Chapter 11

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Sorry, this took so long, no ideas came, other storys seemed more intresting, you know the deal
TW: mention of a needle

Shit. What the fuck? A kid just passed out in my car and I had to reveal just how many times I've read ___ to calm the kid down.

"I'm driving back to the manor." I said "Peter just passed out and I've broken like five speed limits already." I mentioned
"WHY DID HE PASS OUT?!? JASON DID YOU STAB A CHILD!?!" Tim yelled and wind rushing by as he grappled across the city could be heard on the call.
"He's Only A Few Months Younger Than You At Best! And NO I Did Not Stab him!" I yelled, I checked Peter while trying to keep my eyes on the road and calm myself down and keep steering.
"He has a fast but stable pusle, he's breathing, he's really skinny but no evidence of self harm, he does have a lot of bruises though but they look more like what you get on patrol. Oh and scars, a lot of scars." I said
"What Do You Mean Scars!??" Tim yelled
"Like Dads scars," I tried to calm my breathing down, "Shit. His scars, there are a concerning amount of gunshots, what you'd get from claws of knives, a few that look like they came from blunt force which is concerning, some type of eletric scar, burns, what is that, uhm it looks like he got impaled here... that is just an actual scar from a fist." I listed off "This is just his stomach Tim."
"What The Fuc- fudge? I said fudge." Tim said "Look is he okay physically?" Tim asked
"Yeah." I said breathlessly, "Just... really, really, fucking scarred. And he just has a lot of needle scars. Like, a lot. They might be medical." I said "And, he has a small 'A' tattoo, with an arrow and a circle around it." I descirbed
"Green Arrows symbol?" Tim asked hopefully, I actually laughed.
"Yeah, no." I said, my worry returned to me "Anyways I'm bringing him to the manor. Tell the others."

🦇 Batchat
TIM   Jason found Peter, something's wrong and he's going to be in the Manor for at least today so don't show up in costume unless absolutely necessary
DICK   What's wrong with Peter
TIM   I don't know but he had enough scars to make Jason worry
DAMIAN   But brother is Red Hood?
TIM   That's what I thought
TIM   They seemed like battle scars more than anything else too
DICK   That's it, I hope you didn't expect us to go to any events today
BRUCE   I put my phone on silent because I'm on a business trip with the rest of the Batfam and because I didn't want to worry abut you during the trip
BRUCE   I'm coming home now
BARBRA   Already booked your flight
BRUCE   Thank you Barbra. Explain everything now.
STEPH   Wait wait
STEPH   Battle scars on a civilian?
TIM   This is Gotham, it's still concerning though
STEPH   I go off-world for a week and the world ends
DAMIAN   Coincidence not causation
CASS   B told me to check the chat and I scrolled back
CASS   I agree with Steph


I drove into the driveway and panicked as I looked at Peter, should I carry him in? What do I do?! Bruce ran out of the house and picked him up,
"Come on!" he carried Peter into the manor


"He seems physically fine, it seemed like a sensory overload of some type." Dad said, me and the rest of the batfam. We crouded around the area where Peter lay on a bed "I haven't done any blood tests yet but he should be fine. Just be quite where he wakes up." Bruce said, Alfred walked in carring a tray with needles for a bloood test
"Master Bruce, for the blood test on Master Peter. Will-" Peter flew up and jumped into the corner of the room he glanced up the wall but stayed on the floor
"No!" he said, he looked at the needle "Don't! No blood tests!" he said,
"Woah. Calm down." I said
"T-Tim?" he asked
"Do you know what happened, my brother found you in the middle of the road," Peter looked to Jason who was suddenly very intrested in the wall
"I- it was just a sensory overload." Peter said, he didn't eleborate "Nothing else."

It was obvious no one beleived him, but we had all been in this stubborn family long enough to know when someone wasn't budging. Dick sighed
"Okay." he said "At least stay here for the night." Dick asked, Peter hesitated and seemed to think it through
"Okay, I'll stay." Peter agreed
"I'll take you to your room Master Peter." Alfred said
"It's just Peter." Peter said, I snorted
"Good luck with that." I wished him.


The moment Alfred left, I opened the window and jumped out. I hope it won't effect me and Tims friendship too much, but I wasn't staying there, honestly, I didn't trust them.

I listened out for traps and I avoided the mechanical whir of security cameras, the clickings of loaded guns, the traps hidden by darkness that only someone enchanced like me could notice. Finally I got out of Tims death trap of a manor without so much as a footstep, who knew rich people were so paranoid?

Soon I was off property the traps were gone, I sent another mental apology to Tim and his family and ran down the street. By the time I'd found my water tank it was nearly morning, but I could get at least an hour of sleep, right?

Wrong. No I could not. The universe and/or god of sleep hates me apparently. I got up to go to school, then remembered there was no school, and finally decided to get at least some sleep before going on another patrol.

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