songs that fit each chapter

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If you listen to music while reading this story then I have the best recommendations for you 🥰

Getting Along
- any song idk

Love at First Sight
- Tell Me by Wonder Girls (I think)

- any song but preferably silly songs

- oh shuckers! this is a really hard one!

Unknown Glitch
- God Race by Metaroom (Ena if u dunno)

Admit It
- Tell Me by Wonder Girls
- Any love song lol
- Kiss Me Again by Roy Bee ( Nightcore is optional )
- kiss me again <3 by vampx (?)
- O Sol e Lua - i don't wanna check
It's like " the sun proposed to the moon "
- Me gustas tuv (?) - I don't wanna check either
It's like "I like eating shit, I like you" these aren't the real lyrics it's a joke lol
- That "jealous jealous jealous girl" song

These are the ones I could remember and I'll check back later

I checked and they're all good 😎

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