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My phone vibrates on the side table next to me; at first I ignored the loud annoying sound bursting from my phone. I sit up and check the time (6:30am);the second I pull the sheets of my sensitive legs-freshly shaved from the night before-I hear a knock at my door an my mum come in
without permission.

"Come on your going to be late for school"
She says while holding my six month old step brother-which I assume he woke her up again bc of how pissed she was at me- she looked at me for a while shaking her head in disappointment of me still sitting in bed and not moving.

"I am already up mum no need to stand and tell me to get up when I am clearly wake" I sighed, stood up feeling the hard wooden floor board under my feet, a shiver runs up and down my spine as I didn't not expect for them to that cold.

"First don't talk back and secondly you should of been up when Charlie was up, I expect you to help with your brother no sleep through your problems I know you did that last year but not this year, now get ready I am tired of these games you play Jordan"

"It's never enough for you and never will be" I say under my breath but She walked away leaving me in half disbelief in what she had just said but also in anger, how dare she talk to me her own daughter, in away like she doesn't even care about me, in the way she should talk to TY.

As I go to walk to my bathroom that was located next too my book shelf and next too the door my mother had insulted me just a few moments before did my step father-Jack-stood in the door frame staring at me, I looked back at him wondering to myself what he was doing but before I could speak he when first.

"I know lots happened this year that where never planned and I am sorry for that"
He walked towards me and sat on my messy bed-I sat down again next too him listening carefully at each word that came out of his mouth- he grabbed my hand and placed it on his lap in his.
"You don't have to be sorry for marrying my mum, I am so happy for you guys"
I hear him laugh under his breath softly-I really did mean what I said and I didn't find it funny at all.
"I am glad you are happy for your mother and I, but I know a lot happened with you lately and I know the school is trying to get you to talk to someone about it I just..." he comes to a studded stop trying to find the right words "I just wanted you too know that your mother and I are always here for you if you don't want to talk to a stranger about what is going on ok?" He put his hand over my shoulder and pulled my body to his.

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