Chapter Thirty-four

Start from the beginning

"Alright. Hawkfeather, we'll take you with us. Do you need help carrying herbs?"

"Yes, I'll need at least two warriors," Hawkfeather responded immediately. "Perhaps Honeybriar and Featherbreeze from the SpringClan cats."

A golden she-cat and a dark gray she-cat both stood up. They were still a little patched. Honeybriar looked excited while Featherbreeze looked a little disappointed, but all in all, they looked ready.

"Queens, kits and elders, I want you to go to the SpringClan camp," Frostwind meowed. "Twilightmoon, Talonflame and Cloudbeam will guard you; we can't spare any more warriors here. We will need to assault the AutumnClan camp and the WinterClan camp. We'll head to AutumnClan first. Remember, our targets are Stonestar and Mousestar. The rogues can escape if we can't track them down. Then we'll head to WinterClan. Our targets are Snowstar and whoever the deputy might b-"

"We also have to kill Wispflame!" one of the SpringClan cats spat, flexing her claws. "He killed my sister!"

Frostwind shared a glance with Dawnfire, and the bright orange she-cat looked panicky. "No, we will not. I killed Wispflame's father and sister yesterday. No revenge. Remember, these cats will eventually be part of the Clan."

The SpringClan warrior, whom Frostwind now recognized as Streamlight's sister, Berryshine, glared at Frostwind. "Aren't you mad that he killed Streamlight? He killed our prophecy cat!" Berryshine stomped her paws on the ground, agitated. "We have to kill him."

"No, we do not," Frostwind meowed. "He was likely just following orders. We're not trying to kill anyone but the leaders."

"Pathetic," Berryshine hissed, but one of her Clanmates placed his tail on her back, and she calmed down, but still glared at Frostwind through slitted eyes.

"Do you want to remain behind, Berryshine? Because I will make you if you don't cooperate," Frostwind threatened. The tortoiseshell hissed furiously at Frostwind but finally relented, although she looked nothing but annoyed and angry.

"Very well. Honeybriar, Featherbreeze and Hawkfeather, I want you at the back of our group. Dewfrost and Squirreltail" - Frostwind gave her former mentor an apologetic look - "defend them." Dewfrost nodded, looking determined, while Squirreltail merely looked sour.

Frostwind almost added 'with your life', but that should've been obvious.

She suddenly remembered Dewfrost and Brightflame had killed Stormwind in a supposed training accident. Once again, she hadn't thought about Stormwind for moons, but her sworn sister was up there in the stars watching over them.

Help us, Stormwind. Hopeheart. Shadowflight, she thought, thinking of all her dead relatives. 

She led the patrol into AutumnClan territory. They slaughtered the border patrol on their way in and followed prey scent back to camp. They hunted along the way and ate some AutumnClan prey, but the moor was open and they were easily spotted gorging on rabbits in AutumnClan territory.

"Hey!" one of the hunting patrols shouted. "You think you-"

"SeasonClan, attack!" Frostwind yowled.

AutumnClan territory was flooded with SeasonClan cats. Mousestar came out with Stonestar, and their fury was evident.

"You've ruined my Clan!" Stonestar spat, leaping onto Frostwind's back. She twisted around and clawed him in the eyes, and he narrowly avoided being blinded.

"You destroyed the Clan by doing nothing!" she snarled, whirling around to stop an attack from Mousestar before kicking Stonestar into one of the AutumnClan cats. More like rogues.

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