chapter 3 - changbin?

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Changbin scowls a little when he hears the comment on his muscular physique. He's very aware of the difference between his physical strength and yours. He knows how inferior you are to him in that aspect, but he's not happy that you pointed it out. He looks away from you for a second before finally responding to your comment on Hyunjin's behavior.

"I don't even know why that guy hates you so much. He's definitely weird when it comes to that sort of thing."

"I hate him for hating me. He drives me crazy." You say now weirdly calm. But finding a tiny bit of comfort in changbins words. "Thank you for talking to me Changbin"

Changbin notices your look of gratitude and tries to maintain a neutral expression. "dont worry about it. is there anyone else you would like to talk to now?"

"Are there normal members apart from you? I thought you all hated me?" You scoff at your own words trying to extract a bit of humor from your sorrow.

Changbin's eyes widen a tiny bit when you refer to him as one of the normal members. He has a feeling that you're trying to make light of this situation, but he's also starting to feel a tiny bit amused by your words.

"I guess im the most normal here. you could ask seungmin, he'd probably be very gentle towards you. im sure that kid would love to listen to your problems."

"He always seems so cold. Like ice, someone accidentally left outside." You chuckle a tiny bit at your own words. "Are you sure he won't chase me to my room just to bang on my door and insult me as well?" Your eyes darken a bit at the last sentence.

Changbin's wants to tell you that seungmin wouldn't dare do that, but he knows better than to make promises he can't keep.

"I dont know if seungmin would do that or not. he's usually never the one taking the initiative to insult someone seriously unless he's provoked. but I'd say his reactions aren't as extreme as Hyunjin's."

Changbin makes the last response sound almost like a warning not to provoke seungmin.

You take a pillow from beside me and wrap my arms around it. You hide half my face behind it and peek at changbin closely.
"Seungmin seems scary. Are you sure he doesn't hate me?"
You pout at changbin, now eased by his supporting character.

Changbin sees the pouty expression on your face and can't help but smile slightly. he feels like your pouty face is the only thing about you he actually likes. and when you ask if seungmin hates you, he can only chuckle to himself.

"You're so obsessed with the idea that everyone hates you, aren't you? No, seungmin doesn't hate you. if he did, he probably would have done something by now. you're getting all worked up for no reason."

"But he's so cold all the time. I don't want to talk to him. So are you saying he's not the only one not hating me?" You peek big-eyed over the pillow at changbin. "I'm pretty sure all of the other members despise me. They never talk to me and just stare."

Changbin tries to hold in a small laugh at how exaggerated your view on everyone else is. "Look, i'd be very surprised if someone here actually does hate you. Hyunjin might be the only exception. i dont know how you came to be convinced that everyone else feels the same way as him, but you're being very dramatic right now."

"Are you joking right now? You're totally making fun of me right?" You sink back down into your pillow and mumble to yourself "I knew it." You look over the pillow again at Changbin with cold eyes. "Drop the act." You say it in a calm but sharp voice, shaped like ice.

Changbin's eyebrows raise even higher at the sudden change in your tone. you clearly have seen through his ruse. He sighs. "I'll be honest. i was trying to make fun of you. i didn't expect you to figure that out so soon."

You immediately frown at his harsh words.  Your cold expression doesn't change, and my body tenses.
"I knew it. You're just like the others. How do I manage to always have a tiny bit of hope in you guys, and you just crush it over and over again? Fuck you Changbin."
You throw my pillow beside me and stand up. You run to your room and slam the door. Got disappointed a second time.

Changbin can see that you're genuinely angry and disappointed with him now. He's a little surprised by how fast and easy it was to upset you. He regrets pushing you so far, but it's too late to take any of it back now. he watches you walk away but does nothing to stop you. there's nothing he can say to fix the situation anyway, so he just decides to let you leave.

[Your pov]

I lay down on my bed in my room. This whole day just feels so frustrating.  Shit. I don't think I can look any of the mebers in the eyes anymore.  I decide just to sleep and act as usual tomorrow.  Hoping things get better any way I close my eyes.

Why do YOU hate me? - Hwang Hyunjin ffWhere stories live. Discover now