The dilema turns in her mind for centuries, until the Earth, conscious of the desires and despair of his closest friend, offers to give shelter to any children she might have. Delighted, the Moon agrees. This way she will watch them grow, knowing that they are hers to shape.

The moon builts the perfect children for herself: gifts them with thick hair made with threads of the inky nightsky and her silver glow for their eyes. She makes sure to give them cunnning minds to conquer their way into an important mind. Plants the seeds of ambition, and makes sure they have the habilities within themselves to make them bloom. But most importantly, she blesses them with the universe's legacy: magic

And at first, her beautiful children are smart enough to keep all of their gifts given. They live long, worthy lives and die at peace, surrounded with another generation of starry-eyed offsprings surrounding them.

But as centuries pass, this bloodline of hers grow bold. The moon starts to think she might have made a mistake when the witch trials start. When the children of the children of her children put an end to it, she is sure that those that had deemed themselves the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black will be the Earth's doom.

It goes like this,

The children of the Moon only grow bolder as the years pass. Reckless. Primitive creatures that want to swallow the world whole and can't even chew the consequences of their own desires. They start messing with darker subjects, with things that would have been better to be left alone. Black magic, is what mortals took to call it, much to every celestial being dismay.

Afterwards, when this silver creatutes start creating spells and poisons and their name starts to hold weight, it sort of sticks. They have black hair, wander the worlds dressed in black clothes and wield black, terrible magic. People start whispering warnings behind their backs: The Blacks are coming.

Its the warning mothers give their babies to get them to do as they say: If you don't go to bed, the Blacks will come and take you!

Generation after generation grow into adulthood, terrified of the Blacks. Everytime they are in front of them, they are seven again and running into their beds scared that the darkness of the night will swallow them whole.

It takes one drop of blood to contaminate the ocean, it took a magical child to built a wizarding society. The Blacks never let anyone forget that if they have this blessing is because of their blood, they put themselves at the top of the food chain and they devour.

To their heirs, they teach their ancient ways. The Blacks teach their childs how to listen to what the moon is slipping into their ears.

The stars above us shine, mother say to their sons. They are bright, and big, and had been dead for centuries. But we are alive. And we are just as bright and big.

The blood in your veins runs pure, father says to their daughters, and no one's blood is as perfect as ours.

The world is ours, brothers say to sisters, to hold and behold.

Ours, ours, ours- the stars chorus.

Everyone that isn't us, sisters says to brothers, is an enemy.

It goes like this,

The Blacks conquer.

They built their dynasty on wicked magic and long-forgotten secrets. Every witch and wizard learn to fear their celestial names.

They have their own holy, godly Mother on their side. It is said that her moonlight sneaks into their dreams at night and whisper the future; and that's why they are always one step ahead and you should never cross them. They hold the future between their rotten fingers.

Until Sirius Black, against all prophecies, is sorted into Gryffindor and all hell breaks loose.

Author's note: if your family doesn't name each member after a star because they believe themselves to be corporal celestial beings that are above everyone else are you really serving cunt?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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