"Friday night bites"

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I stood in the mirror. The cheerleading suit fit my body perfectly. I looked amazing.

Stefan told me Damon showed up at that dinner party from hell with Bonnie and Elena.

He was invited in. I knew my brother well enough to know he's not going to leave her. Today was the game I was proud of my brother.

I walked into his room with a smile."Hey big brother."He was holding a necklace in his hands.

"Hey."I walked up to him"Isn't that the vervain necklace."He nodded looking down at it.

"I want to give it to Elena. If Damon try's to get into Elena's mind. I want her to be able to make her own choices. With this he won't be able to hurt her."I nodded I understand him.

I looked into his eyes. There was something else he wanted it for. I could see it all over his face."Stefan what else are you wanting it for?"He sighed.

"I also want to protect her from me."I put my arm on his shoulder."you won't ever take her choice away stef."He looked down and stuffed it in his pocket."just in case."

I frowned at him. I knew Stefan I knew he wouldn't hurt Elena. He wouldn't these past few months here all he's has been talking about was making her happy again."let's get going big brother."

He smiled at me he was thankful I didn't push the issue. I knew him well enough I wouldn't be able to change him mind about what he thought. We walked out of the house Stefan was nervous about the game I could tell.

He looked at my outfit."Nice suit. You look cheery."I only chuckle at as we shut the door."that's the point, big brother."we walked down the drive way before we used are speed.

I walked up to the school with a smile on my face. I was meet with Tyler automatically."Hey..."He trailed off looking down."uh Im gonna go get ready."Stefan said walking away.

I had told Stefan about what happened. He was pissed I had to stop him four times from leaving the house to go kill Tyler. His big brother protective mode was gonna kill me one of these days.

"What do you want Tyler."He shook hud head regret covering his entire atmosphere."I shouldn't have kissed you, especially when I'm still with Vicki."I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you should be sorry."I said folding my arms."I don't want our friendship to change...can you forgive me."he looked genuine. I sighed and looked down."All right fine. Just don't ever I mean ever do it again."

A smile found it's away onto his face."Thank you, I won't."I turned around to leave but stopped and looked back."I would tell Vicki what you did. If you don't I will."His face turned angry as I walked away from him.

I spotted my brother giving Elena the necklace. She had a smile on her face."Good going Stefan."I whispered only so he could hear. That only made his smile bigger.

"Hey."Jeremy stumbled over to me with determination on his face."I like-like you."He slurred out looking me up and down.

"your different from Vicki....But I love Vicki she's been there for me you know. I like you I do I just don't want to lose Vicki "it's sounds like he doesn't have her fully that's not having someone.

"But you your different. I like you. And you're funny. But I won't ever stop loving Vicki."I looked down try not to cry. I should have know this was gonna happen.

He was definitely drunk."And I'm sosaorry for yesterday."I frowned as I watched him."your drunk."He only laughed."Of course imdruank."I looked at him confused.

I think he was trying to say of course he was drunk."your forgiven but I think I should go."He looked down taking a drink of the bottle I didn't realize he had. I walked away from him. I didn't want to talk to him while he was drunk

I didn't want to talk to someone who didn't choose me. it hurt me to think I ever had a chance.

Night had fallen and I was cheering for my brother who stood in a line of football plays. I stood next to Bonnie in the line of cheerleaders."go Stefan!"I yelled throwing my arm up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."Tanner Reyes to calm the crowd down in front of us."let's be honest here."I smiled at Stefan who was making google eyes at Elena. I was thankful he was happy.

"In the past, we used to let other teams, come into our town and roll right over us!"I did my part by booing along with the crowd."but that is about to change."All thanks to my brother.

I threw my pom-Pom's up into the air with a cheer."we got some great new talent tonight starting on offense."I noticed Tyler didn't look to happy about what Tanner was saying.

"I'm gonna tell your right now it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these."I smiled as Tanner pointed to Stefan. He got the respect he deserved I was glad Mr tanner pointed out how good he was.

"Give it up for Stefan Salvatore!"I clapped my hands with a smile on my face. Even if I was upset being proud of my brother is what was keeping me going tonight."Go Stefan!"I yelled jumping up and down.

I moved my hair out of the way from my ear so I could hear Tyler."This blows the guy just got here."I rolled my eyes as he walked away"Are Timberwolf's, are hungry."

The crowded cheered in response."Is that Jeremy."My eyes went wide. I could hear Tyler from hear even with all the screaming. I quickly snuck around my cheer mates. And towards the back of the crowd.

Tyler looked angry as he walked towards him."Oh no Ty! No."Vicki pleaded."Oh, what do you care."Jeremy stood up he was still just as drunk from the last time I seen him.

Tyler stood in front of him."Don't look so down, you can have her when I'm done."I jumped back when Jeremy threw a punch at Tyler"Jeremy!"I yelled running up next to Vicki. Tyler pushed Jeremy back into the truck.

Tyler keep kicking him as hard as he could before he stent them to the ground.I needed to stop this. Tyler keep hurting him.

I yanked off Tyler with a grunt."Nock it off!"Tyler looked at me in shock. That's when I realized he noticed my strength.

I was caught off guard when his hand found my face. Blood leaked from my mouth as I grunted. I stumbled back slightly."Tyler!"I heard Vicki gasp I spit out the blood in annoyance.

"Jeremy!"I yelled it was too late. Jeremy threw a punch at Tyler. Jeremy was angry really angry."Don't ever touch her again!"I heard Jeremy yelled as he punched Tyler.

Tyler had enough and rolled on top of Jeremy. Tyler keep hitting him. I took a step forward again  so I could stop this.

Stefan grabbed my shoulder before I could he noticed the scared look on my face. He nodded and ran up to Tyler.

"Hey, he's down! enough!"Stefan yelled grabbing Tyler's arm. Tyler stood up and looked at Stefan who still holding Tyler's arm. I wanted to laugh when Tyler hit my brothers chest and did nothing to him.

Tyler's hand on the other hand would hurt like hell for awhile. Tyler looked completely shocked. He looked up at Stefan he knew he screwed up."Jeremy no!"Elena yelled running up to us. I didn't notice Jeremy trying to cut Tyler.

Stefan threw Tyler Down. I gasped when his hand got sliced."are you okay!"I yelled running up to him. He nodded. He had a huge cut down his hand. I knew it would heal any minute but I was still worried for my brother.

Jeremy looked up in shock like he really didn't mean to do that. Matt was try to keep Tyler away from us."what the hell, Jeremy?"Elena ran up to her brother."put your head up your bleeding."

Jeremy looked pissed"I'm fine!"He yelled angrily."yeah, you smell fine."Jeremy glanced over at me before he looked back down at his sister."Just stop, okay?"I watched as he walked away.

"Are you okay here?"I questioned looking up at my brother. He looked down at me he nodded towards Jeremy for me to follow. I gave him a smile before I walked off to find Jeremy.

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