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About an hour later Yeseul found herself at the Palace waiting for the Hwarang to arrive and the ceremony to start. She had already spotted Yeowool but the Hwarang were standing with their backs to the audience, so she just occasionally got a glimpse on his handsome face. She began to ask herself why he wanted her to be at the ceremony. They just met again after meeting each other for the first time a year and a half ago. Maybe he just wanted to make sure that there were a lot of people seeing the Hwarang. Or he wanted to make sure that she got to see this historic moment. She shook herself for thinking such flustering thoughts.

She recognized some of the other Hwarang standing there. One of them was Suho, who was athletic and who's sister Sooyeon she knew briefly as she had bought clothes from the Hwans before. His rival Banryu was standing among them as well, even though it first was speculated that he didn't like the idea of the Hwarang. The last face Yeseul briefly knew was that of Hanseong, a dreamy boy, who seemed a bit younger than the other Hwarang. On top of the stone stairs sat Queen Jiso powerful on a throne. Yeseul had never seen the Queen before and was astonished by the power this woman portrayed.

They waited for quite a long time, the reason being, Yeseul guessed, the two empty spots in the rows of the future Hwarang. Then finally the Queen gave the signal to start the ceremony. The Hwarang's names would get called out before they would step forward to the end of the stairs in front of their trainer and got handed a sword. After multiple Hwarang got their swords, including Suho and Banryu, it was Yeowool's turn.

»Kim Yeowool«, his name got called out. The young handsome man stepped in front of his new trainer and took the sword.

»Hwarang Yeowool. I shall accept the royal decree«, he declared solemn. Somehow Yeseul felt proud. Being a Hwarang had been promised to be an honorable position and Yeowool would be one of them. But why did she even think about that so much?

On his way back to his place Yeseul thought to see him wink at her. It took her a moment to realize but the thought of it made a smile shyly. Was this him portraying his playful personality or did Yeseul dare to let herself interpret even more into it?

The Queen was close to closing the ceremony when the two missing Hwarang appeared and quickly declared their loyalty. Seonu and Jidwi were their names. After that the Queen finally closed the ceremony.

The people left the palace after the ceremony and Yeseul too found herself in front of the Palace's doors when suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around.

»Greet the new Hwarang«, Yeowool said close to her face before proudly straightening up his posture. Yeseul was startled at first but laughed afterwards.

»Hello Hwarang Yeowool.« She bowed to him.

»Tomorrow is a parade. Will I be able to see you as I'm passing by?«, he asked curious.

»I will probably now that you asked me so nicely.«

»I saw you as I went back to my place. Did you see me too?«

»Yes, I did« The picture of him winking at her came back in her head and made her cheeks get warmer. They started walking next to each other.

»They're indeed handsome, aren't they? The Hwarang«, Yeowool said.

»Yes.« Queen Jiso and her committee that decided on the Hwarang indeed had a good eye for handsome men.

»Me included, right?«, he asked cheekily. Yeseul let out a small laugh. His directness surprised her again and again.

»Yes«, she assured him.

»Do you want to come to Okta with me?« Okta was the best known local place to drink and talk while watching dancers and acrobats. It was especially popular among the younger generation. The problem was that only True Bones were allowed to enter.

»Sorry, I'm not a True Bone«, Yeseul answered a little embarrassed. Yeowool stopped and his expression dropped from excited to dejected.

»Oh, yes«, he mumbled before overplaying it with an awkward but friendly goodbye, »See you tomorrow then! Have a nice evening!«

»See you.« Yeseul was a little sad about the fast goodbye. She would've loved to talk to him a little longer, but Okta just wasn't a place she could enter. Her rank in would never allow her to enter such a prestigious place. Yeseul wanted to get to know more about Yeowool. She wantded to understand him, his playfulness and how serious his comments were meant. But she understood that he wanted to celebrate becoming a Hwarang in Okta where all the other Hwarang would be. They would clink glasses and drink until too drunk to talk or walk. That was what she heard the True Bones did at Okta when there was a reason to celebrate. And the Hwarang ceremony definitely was a reason to celebrate big. She wasn't allowed in there and there was nothing she could do about it.

The next day Yeseul stood along the busy street waiting for the Hwarang to pass by. It was a sunny day and a lot of people had gathered along the big main street, all of them eyeing to see the handsome warriors again before they would disappear behind the walls of their training campus for some time to begin their training. That's what she had heard at the market. The Hwarang wouldn't be allowed to leave the Hwarang House and had to stay at the residence. Somehow she felt a little sad knowing she wouldn't be able to see Yeowool for a while. After meeting him a few times the last few days she wanted to see him more often. She coudn't wait to see him again.

Yeseul had Yejong with her and held him close to herself. She didn't want him to get lost in the crowd. After all a seven-year-old could easily get missing in such a large crowd.

»When are they going to be here?«, he asked excited.

»Soon I think, Yejong.« As if they had heard her words the parade of the Hwarang appeared. They were let by their Master Wehwa and two more people on horses before the young men had organized themselves in rows of three. Yeseul quickly spotted Yeowool. He was in the first row to the left of Suho. She smiled as she saw him. She didn't know why, but she was proud seeing him in the first row.

»Oh, look!«, a girl in front of Yeseul said to another girl, »Suho is in the first row!«

Yeseul watched as the Hwarang came closer. Yeowool seemed to look around in the audience until his eyes met hers. Something seemed to fly inside her. What was that? Yeseul waved her hand lightly and got a big smile back from the handsome Hwarang. Her heart beat faster. Her cheeks got warmer. 

»Kim Yeowool just smiled in my direction!«, the girl in front of her said excited to her friend.

»Are you sure?«, the friend asked, »Did you know that he is a Sacred Bone?«

»A Sacred Bone? No, I didn't know that!«

»Yes, his mother is the former king's sister«, she explained. Yeowool was a Sacred Bone? Not a True Bone but even a Sacred Bone? Somehow this information pricked Yeseul like a small needle. A needle infiltrating her with a hint of sadness.

The Hwarang continued their way and soon disappeared behind a corner. The crowd cleared up and the people went their own ways again.

»What is a Sacred Bone?«, Yejong asked his big sister as they were about to go back to the Hwan's shop.

»Oh, hm...«, she thought about how to tell him, »Sacred Bones are people from the royal family.«

»And Mister Yeowool is a Sacred Bone?«

»Seems to be so.« Being a Sacred Bone put him even further away, made him even more untouchable to people like her, people that weren't even True Bone. This fact made Yeseul feel like she got pushed away from him. This interesting, charming and handsome man that somehow had started talking to her, was suddenly even further away than before.

»Does that mean he is a prince?« Yeseul smiled at her little brother and patted his head.

»I'm not sure«, she said a little unsure.

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