Enter the Dragon

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Kyoko P.O.V

When I first woke up, I was staring at the ceiling of my room. I was very confused, how did I end up back in my room? The last I remembered was walking into one of those caves and then my mind went blank. I sat up from my bed and placed my hand on my head

'What happened? The last thing I can remember was entering the cave...' I thought and then my stomach let out a loud growl. I felt my cheeks turn red 'I'm glad that I'm alone at the moment' I got up from my bed and walked out from my room. As I made my way to the kitchen, I saw the others in the training grounds and Omi was the first one to notice me

"Kyoko, you're awake!" Omi exclaimed as he ran towards me and the others followed after him

"We were worried about you!" Kimiko said looking relieved

"No kidding, don't scare us like that" Raimundo said

"Sorry about that. But what happened?" I asked and my stomach growled again

"How about we'll tell you while you get some grub" Clay said and I nodded with my face bright red

After making myself some food, my friends told me what happened

"Wait a minute. So, you're telling me that I'm Raiden Shogun's descendent?" I asked and they nodded "Geez. Guess that kinda explains about my dreams. But I still find it crazy that Raiden Shogun possessed my body and won the showdown too"

"Yeah, it was a surprise" Dojo said as he entered the dining area along with Master Fung

"I am pleased to see you awake" Master Fung said

"Thank you, Master Fung. Um... Master Fung? Did you know that I was Raiden Shogun's descendent?" I asked

"I have indeed. Not for your appearance, but I sensed your power, skill and strength. Now that you know about your lineage, the forces of evil will stop at nothing to make you join the side of evil" Master Fung said

"So, basically I've become a damsel in distress?" I asked and both Master Fung and Dojo nodded. I let out a huge sigh "Looks like I have a lot of training to do. I don't want to be a damsel in distress"

"Do not worry, Kyoko. I will make sure you are safe because you are a girl and girls need protection" Omi said and I got mad

"Are you telling me I'm weak or something?" I asked with anger in my tone

"Of course not! I'm saying since you now the main target for all things evil, you must be in constant protection by us boys and girl" Omi said and the clouds turned dark and the sound of lightning crashed down onto the ground

"Of course not! I'm saying since you now the main target for all things evil, you must be in constant protection by us boys and girl" Omi said and the clouds turned dark and the sound of lightning crashed down onto the ground

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Omi was shaking in fear. Then he noticed that our friends including Master Fung and Dojo were no longer in the dining area

"Omi" I called his name as he flinched "I think it's time for a lesson on never judge a book by it's cover" I said as I cracked my knuckles

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