⋆。°✩All for a stack of pancakes⋆。°✩

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🥞Akito's POV: 🥞
(Slight Akian)
(Sorry if it seems rushed/ doesn't make sense I'm sick rn and tired)
I was sitting in my room watching tiktoks when I got a text from An.

An = An
A = Akito

An: hey
A: what
An: I was thinking about something
A: what is it?
An: so yk how Toya and Kohane are going on a date right
A: yeah??
An: so, we should go on a double date ngl
A: no
An: please
A: no
An: I'll buy you pancakes what if u go
A: Pancakes? From where?
An: that cafe you like
A: deal, only for the pancakes though so don't get too excited
An: thx! See you tomorrow
A: see you

I facepalmed. Did I seriously just agree to go on a stupid date with my sworn enemy just for some pancakes!? And I certainly wouldn't be able to tell Ena where I'm going because I'll never hear the end of it. I'm so sure this date will be the worst thing that ever happened to me. I really hope that my wifi mysteriously goes out so I couldn't go to our Sekai. Knowing An she would probably reschedule. I hated the situation I was in.

(The next day)
I woke up and realized today was the day. I groggily woke up, took a shower and put on some nice clothes. I opened up "untitled" on my phone (no the wifi didn't go out) and hit play. I appeared right in front of the cafe. An was there. It seemed like Toya and Kohane hadn't arrived yet.

"Hey!" An said, "Hello." I replied back. She had some nice clothes on also. "Come on, sit down." She said. "Where are my pancakes?" I asked. "Jeez, I'll buy you them after this," An sighed. "Thanks," I said. "Mabye next time you ask me do something I'll make you buy me rum and raisin ice cream." An laughed. "Aw man, I guess I will." I spoke. Me and A spoke and had a decent conversation for a few minutes until Kohane and Toya arrived.

(My keyboard keeps autocorrecting An to A and it's driving me insane so just know if it says A instead of An it's my stupid autocorrect)

"Hey guys!" An cheered. "Hey Shiraishi, Hey Akito." Toya greeted. "Hey An! Hey Shinonome!" Kohane smiled. As the two sat down Meiko came to serve us. "Hey you guys! Any food or drinks today?" Meiko asked. "Can I get some peach buns?" Kohane asked. "One black coffee please," Toya said. "I'll have some ice cream!" A said, "I'll have a slice of cheesecake." I asked. "Alright! I'll have your food out in a few minutes." Meiko announced. A few minutes later she came with everyone's food. "So when should we have our next gig?" Toya asked. "Hm, I was thinking around next week." I replied. "Oh, perfect timing with that, one of my dad's friends said we could perform at his live house! So now we have somewhere to perform!" An said. "Great!" Kohane said. "Oh guys, a friend of mine had some tickets to a theme park, but none of her friends had time to go and she gave me the tickets, want to go?" Kohane asked. "Yes!" An cheered. "Sure, I like theme parks." Toya said. "Do you like theme parks or do you just like to go and win plushies?" I joked. "Hm, both." Toya laughed. "Alright! So we can go to the theme park! Would Saturday work for everyone?" Kohane asked again. Everyone agreed.

We all finished our food and we said goodbye to each other since we probably wouldn't hang out for a few days. Then I went home to sleep.

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