"Stooop it Minji or else I'll hit you with this light stick," Hanni warned Minji, but Minji just looked at her and laughed. Hanni's face turned red with anger as she gripped the light stick tightly in her hand. "I'm serious, Minji! Stop it now!" she yelled. But Minji kept on laughing, not bothered by Hanni's threats.

Yeah, whatever Hanni. You still can't change the fact that you have a secret lover," Minji teased Hanni, but only to be met by a light stick thrown at her. Minji laughed and said, "You missed, you can't aim for anything, Hanni." Hanni rolled her eyes and smirked, "Oh please, like you're one to talk. I've seen the way you look at that guy from the coffee shop. You're not fooling anyone, Minji."

Hey, cut it out with the crap, Hanni! I thought we agreed not to bring up that accident," Minji complained, trying to get Hanni to stop talking. But Hanni just grinned at her.

"You're the one who started this, so you're gonna have to finish it. It's either you win or you lose," Hanni told Minji, trying not to laugh. Minji rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Fine, but I'm not giving up without a fight," she said, determined to come out on top.

They were like, really going at it, chucking those light sticks and yelling. And then they started cracking up, like, totally losing it. And just when Hanni was gonna toss Bernice at Minji, someone walked in and got hit instead.

"Who's the genius who threw Bernice at me?" Hyein yelled, all mad. And then Hanni and Minji just cracked up even more.

"You should look at your face Hyein you look all grumpy" Hanni said while laughing her stomach off, Minji only joined her laughed, Hyein rolled her eyes and smirked, "Well, maybe if you two weren't so annoying, I wouldn't look grumpy." But deep down, she couldn't help but smile at her friends' antics.

Hanni and Minji continued to tease Hyein, making funny faces and silly noises to try and cheer her up. Despite her initial grumpiness, Hyein couldn't resist their infectious laughter and soon found herself joining in, feeling grateful for such lighthearted and playful friends.

"Haerin! Help me!"

Haerin heard the call for help and quickly ran over with a pillow.

"Stop it or I'll do something!"

Haerin threatened her sister, but they just laughed. Hyein pouted and crossed her arms, while Minji and Hanni continued to giggle at her distress. Haerin sighed and shook her head, knowing that her threats wouldn't be taken seriously. "Fine, have it your way," she said, before joining in on the teasing with a mischievous grin.

After the four of them laughed foolishly, they decided to make a peace treaty and stop teasing because they had run out of bullets.

They each headed to their rooms, and before Minji entered hers, she shouted at Hanni, "I hope your secret friend replies to your messages, you poor thing." Clearly annoyed by Minji's action, Hanni threw her slippers at her and said, "You shut up before I tell them what you did at the cafe." Minji only laughed and went inside her room.

After Hanni went into her room, her phone vibrated in her pocket. When she saw who was calling at this late hour, she was surprised and happy. It was the person she had been worrying about and missing all day - it was you. She quickly accepted the call and said,

Hey, are you okay? Did something happen? She asked in a very concerned tone. She had a million questions in her mind right now and was eager to ask you what happened to your day and why you hadn't talked to her for almost a whole day.

"Don't worry about me Hanni, I was just, you know, not feeling well," you said in a very weak voice, almost sounding like you were out of breath. "I think I just need to rest for a bit. Thank you for checking in on me, I appreciate it."

"Hey, you definitely sound sick, why didn't you tell me that you were sick so I could help you?"

Hanni said, nagging about why you didn't tell her that you were sick. You only chuckled about what she said, your stomach felt butterflies, you felt warm and comfortable with her, you were just thankful for having her in your life. You knew that Hanni always had a way of making you feel better, even when you were feeling under the weather. You were grateful for her concern and couldn't help but smile at her nagging. She was always there for you, and you were lucky to have her as a friend.

"Well your busy every day and I don't want to give you problems," you said while chuckling about how she was mad at you for not telling her you were sick

"Shut up Y/n. Stop. You know that I care for you. Why didn't you tell me? And for your information, I can take the day off just for you,"she said.

You were taken aback by what she said. She said she was willing to take the day off for you. You felt very warm on your cheeks. Even though you two were only talking on the phone, you felt like she was right beside you, nagging about why she wasn't informed that you were sick. You felt a surge of guilt and gratitude at the same time. It was comforting to know that she cared so much, but you also felt bad for not reaching out to her sooner. "I'm sorry," you whispered, "I didn't want to bother you."

"How about tomorrow I'll give you a visit since my schedule is free for tomorrow how about that?" Hanni said while you were stunned by her suggestion,

"If you want to but I think you shouldn't come here, you might catch my fever and get yourself sick," you said while Hanni only replied

"What's the matter of that, let's be sick together," she said in a very joyful tone.

You couldn't help but chuckle at Hanni's carefree attitude.

"Alright, if you're sure you don't mind being sick with me, then I'd love to see you tomorrow," you said with a smile.

It was clear that nothing could dampen Hanni's spirits, and you were grateful for her infectious positivity.

"Well see you tomorrow? I'll rest for a bit since I'm still feeling dizzy," you said to her while breathing fast.

"Yeah yeah you should rest well, and drink plenty of fluid so you won't get dehydrated and sleep well," she said.

"Thank you Hanni for checking up on me." After hanging up the call, I felt grateful for having her in my life.

Her caring nature and ability to make me smile and laugh, even when I was on the verge of collapsing from a high fever, made me very happy. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, hoping that a good rest would help me feel better. Despite feeling unwell, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a caring friend by my side. As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was lucky to have someone like Hanni in my life.

How could my day be bad when I'm with you?

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