(CH.1) Arriving [pt.2]

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Sorry for not posting earlier. I was busy but I'm hoping to post every day. Here's part 2 of part 1.

Now onto this chapter :D


Previously on Garten Mayhem :

I look around more and noticed a closet, I walk over to it and tried to open it, but to no veil, must be locked.. I walked out the room and stared into the dark one, I look beside me and notice another light blue keypad, I tap the card on it and watched as the lights turned on one row at a time..


I stared at the room before me, the placed looked like an area straight out of that one show with games but you die if you do something wrong, what was the name again...Squid Game?...I think so, anyways I soon notice the same bird that stared at me in the hallway couple of minutes before

- Great.. it's that bird..

I narrow my eyes gently before walking up to it, I stared at it for a moment before turning to something written on the wall which said

Opila Bird Mission!

Opila bird is unbelievably hungry! Feed it 6 eggs to get your prize!

I stared at it before looking to the side at a boarded up area and walked over to it, I tried tugging on the board in hopes it would come off, which failed, I sigh and look at the mural with the writing again and walked around "So i need 6 eggs.. they must be around somewhere.." I thought to myself before spotting an egg

- aha! found one!!

I smiled proudly before looking around for more

[time skip brought to you by me watching all of the chapters of Garten of Banban]

I sigh has I finally found all the eggs, I walk over to the Opila bird and would cautiously place the eggs in her beak one by one, Opila 'ate' each egg, after the last egg, I stepped back has I watch has another keycard comes up from her throat

- uhm.. Ew

I grimaced in disgust before reaching out to grab it, oddly it wasn't slimy or anything, I look at Opila, quietly examining her now that since i don't really know where this keycard is suppose to go, She was pink, her wings were purple and she was weirdly veiny, which is quite disturbing, I turned away, feeling watched, I glance back at Opila Bird, seeing her was staring at the ceiling with her lifeless eyes, I turn away and walk back to the class room and notice the keypad that was once deactivated is now activated, I take out my yellow keycard and tapped it on the keypad.

I watch has the button on the wall turns red and point my remote at the glass which did nothing , I stare at it confused before trying again which ended in the same result.

- goddammit, what's wrong with this thing

I glare at the remote then the drone before thinking for a moment and tried again, this time pointing it at the wall behind the glass, the drone hovered into the glass, shattering it, I sigh and point it towards the red button and pressed button so it presses it, I watched has it bumped into the button, I hear a creak of a door, I turned around and notice the closet now open, I tilt my head and walked over, grabbing a hammer

- Hmm.. this'll help with the wooden boards..

I spoke to myself before grabbing a paper that was with the hammer which was written.

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