(CH.1) Arriving [pt.1]

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Okay so uhm..I had to watch Chapter 1 of Garten of Banban to write all of this lol.

Anyways here is chapter 1 :)


I quietly stared at the Kindergarten Infront of me, my son and my niece went missing here along with other children, I hid my bike behind a dumpster beside the building before walking to the front, i opened the front doors and stepped inside the kindergarten

walking into the place I notice it a mural of many characters.

A red demon with two party hats, a white demon white a pink bow, a large green gorilla, i think, a bird bird, a small blue..monkey?..Gremlin?..whatever, and lastly an orange jellyfish.

- eh..this place already gives me the creeps..especially at night..

walking around the lobby, i stare at the large mural of a green character beside it the words said

"Jumbo Josh Says! "Eat vegetables and fruits to become strong LIKE ME!""

- No wonder (S/N) insists on eating fruits and veggies..

I smile a bit before turning to the desk, I look around the desk before spotting a light blue keycard, grabbing it, i look around before spotting a light blue keypad.

I walked over to it tapping the card on it and watched it open, she entered the room and look around before spotting a drone along with a remote beside it. I picked up the remote, it only had a single button on it, I looked at it more before noticing it needed 2 batteries

- Huh..where can i find that...

I wondered to myself before walking out the small room and looked around, searching the lobby for batteries before looking in another room which seemed to be a cafeteria of some sort, I looked around and noticed a battery on the table closer to me

- Huh will you look at that..a batterry!

I picked it up and put it inside the remote and walked around the tables before noticing a second battery

- Cool, another one

I grabbed it and placed it inside the remote, soon enough, I heard electronic beeping, confused I walk back to the lobby and realized the drone was working now

- Nice..

I look at the big yellow door then the red button beside it, I point the remote towards it and pushed the button, making the drone emit a sound before flying over to the button and pressing it, I stood there waiting for the door to open

- Uh..helloo..open up..

I say to the door before looking around, I then notice another red button above the entrance door

- weird place to put a second button but okay..

I point the remote at it and pressed the button once again, the drone flew over to the button and activated the door

I smile watching the door slide open..what the fuck, I looked at a bird, that stared at me with bloodshot eyes, I shiver a bit before taking a step, I watch it vanish into the darkness "Oh hell no.." I thought before walking into a room that seemed like a class.

i look around and looked at another mural which says

"Banban Says! "Sharing is caring! your pancreas is mine!""

which is a little fucked up..don't think that should be in a kindergarten, I looked at the bored which was written

"The End is here"

with the "Here" underlined, why would someone write that here..weird..I look around before noticing a button which had no color at the moment, i then look at the keypad

- Hmm..this must be the way to turn on the button..

I look around more and noticed a closet, I walk over to it and tried to open it, but to no veil, must be locked.. I walked out the room and stared into the dark one, I look beside me and notice another light blue keypad, I tap the card on it and watched as the lights turned on one row at a time..


Aaaggghh..that's all for today, I'll do the rest of chapter 1 tomorrow if i have the time, anyways its currently 1:16am and i should be sleeping..oh well, goodnight y'all :)

- Omi Out!!

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