Chapter 1: Peace.

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What if Phoenix never had a sister? Let's see.

Requestor (now im questioning if thats a word-): Cat-con 

I hope you liked it! I had writers block in the middle so thats why it kinda fell sideways. I adore your stories and look up to you, and wish I could be a great gachatuber just like you are! Know that your never alone, and that you are gifted and talented. :)

"PHOENIX!! I SWEAR TO GOD!!" Arthur chased after a tiny blur of black and red. "Can't you just let me have it for five minutes?? I Promise I won't do anything to it!!" Ten-year old Phoenix dove into her mother's arms and squealed as her brother came pelting after her. "He snatched away the air pods and frowned at his sister. "HEYYY! Thats not FAIR!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, upset.

"Yes it is, its mine, dad bought it for ME, and," he stabbed a finger to tiny words etched onto the electronic. "It has MY name on it." He sighed and turned to walk to his room. He paused for just a second, making it look like he slipped it into his pocket, when he simply dropped it on the floor. He returned to walking.

Phoenix's eyes transfixed onto the pair of innocent, unsuspecting, air pods. 


She then pounced on it, and looked up. Her mother smiled. "I think it's about time for lunch, but you can have five minutes-""Thank you, Mom!!" Young Phoenix yelled, running upstairs to her room. Finally-! Now I can play!! 

Arthur stopped and looked back towards his sister. He smiled just a little bit before walking to his door and stepping inside.

(ver.1 if  Phoenix never met the element protectors.)

Phoenix jerked out of the dream. "Of course.." She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Arthur?" she called out. "Can you-" she stopped as she realized what she was saying. "shit, shit, shit, shit." she covered her face and began to sob.

(ver. 2 if she did.)

"PHOENIX!!!" Phoenix e.x.e jumpstarted on life. 

Shit, Not again. Phoenix sighed. "WHATTTT???!!" She yelled out. "MISTY AND ASH ARE BURNING THE KITCHEN AND ROBIN'S OUT AND BLAKE LOCKED HIMSELF IN THE ROOM AND BROOK IS DYING!!!!!" Phoenix counted them out in her head. So it was Dawn who's calling her. Weird. I thought she would be hanging out with Blake. "I'M COMING!!" She heaved herself out of bed and slowly flopped down the stairs. 

"Whats happening?" 

"They're starting a fire."


Phoenix grabs a headphone that was charging from the couch, and pulls it off. Robin's.. She won't mind right? She then connected it to her phone, set the phone on the couch, and walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing??" Dawn asked, her voice masked with anticipation (srry im trying to write while watching mha vids about shoto-). She touched her stone and began rising the fire. "This is fun, what are we burning next?" Phoenix smiled. "NOOOO-"       

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