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The Primary Revolution, that is the first level of revolution that will bring about the destruction of the state and capitalism, will come when democratic support for it is built by the party in specific geographic areas. So the answer to the question of how we will achieve the Primary Revolution is simply that we will spread the ideology and increase membership in the party.
I believe that focusing on increasing the membership of adults in the party is a waste of time. We would have to expend considerable time and energy to overturn decades of conditioning to statist and capitalist ideologies, and few would end up joining anyway. Instead, I propose we build membership by targeting young people. The reasons are as follows: we can create a band wagon effect by exploiting youth social hierarchy and culture; it will be far easier to convert young people, as they haven't been subjected to as many years of propaganda, nor do they have fully formed opinions; we can play off the natural instinct of youthful rebellion; the young will inherit the earth, therefore it makes sense to focus on building support in people who are going to be in control down the road.

Section 1: Party Exposure
In order to reach young people, it is imperative that the party have an extensive internet presence. Mainstream media has no interest in covering radical left wing politics, at least not in a positive light, as it would undermine the interests of the broadcast corporation and the advertisers from which the corporation procures it's profit. This means we will be relying almost entirely on social media and word of mouth to advance our cause. To this end, it would be wise to call on our members to share our social media posts, contribute to our online media, and convert their friends and family by convincing them with logic and reason.
The other way that the party can get exposure is through art. Bands that are Phoenix members will likely choose to help advance the cause by putting pro Phoenix messages in their songs. Street artists who do graffiti will also likely choose to advance the cause. Gallery artists may choose to advance the cause as well. Even if the art has no particular affiliation with the party, as long as it contains anti capitalist, anti statist, or even anti conformist sentiments it will be advancing the party's cause. Organic artist expression of these views are always preferable to party manufactured propaganda.

Section 2: Using Sociology to Convert the Youth
A major social pattern, especially among young people, is the desire to conform to social norms. If we can make membership seem like a norm then we will have created a powerful bandwagon effect that will gather us many members with little effort. So how do we create the illusion of membership being a social norm, thereby making it a social norm? We simply play off youth social
By converting a few young people of elevated social status within a fairly stagnant social group we can then easily convert others who would like to attain a similar social status. Since the party espouses messages of equality, the more disenfranchised youth will see membership as an opportunity to become equals with those who would otherwise be socially oppressive towards them. Large, semi-stagnant social groups in which this strategy can be employed effectively include: schools, churches, and common youth activity centers, i.e. summer camps.

Section 3: Carrying Out Revolutionary Action Against the Bourgeoisie

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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