Chapter 1

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17 years later
Mandez Palace

Running out into the forest around the Mandez castle while huffing at the run past a few trees, Granet was looking to be in a rush. Seeing the sky was turning dark. She came to a stop holding a sword in her hand as she would be to a tree, leaning her back to it as if to catch her breath. Sliding down until she was sitting on the ground, she would place the sword as well down and out of her hand grabbing a skin bottle and lifting it to her lips so she could take a drink of the water that was in it.
Until she was finished Granet looked up to the sky again and saw the stars while humming to herself as she got up and collected the sword placing it in the sheath to her side then over to grab her cloak getting it on to start walking back to the palace holding one hand to the swords handle she was not fully trusting of the forest even though this island where they lived has never shown harm she would not dear think that someone would not harm her or her family. Definitely with her two older sisters, as even though they were older, they were pretty naive about their surroundings and only wanted things that they didn't even need, making Granet see them as ignorant adults.
Walking shortly to the doors, some guards, as well as maidens, greeted her while the maidens took her cloak off and followed her. "Your father has received word from the Hamato Kingdom, and he wished to speak to you about it, my lady." looking at the maid who spoke, she came to a stop on her walk while asking with a look of displeasure. "Is the Queen with him as well?"
The maiden nodded her head which caused Granet to grunt while again starting to walk to where the King would be in his study room as to be the place where he normally would get some freedom from the new Wife he married about five years ago. Though she was beautiful, she was a heartless person to Granet for some reason that it wasn't clear to her why but her sisters were cherished by her and favored them more as to Granet's happiness that she wasn't, or she too might have been as naive and a stranger to how to use weapons to defend herself.
Walking to the doors that would bring her to the king's studies, she placed her hands on the doors, about to push but then stopped as she hesitated not liking this feeling as to why mention anything to her about their wars when it was obvious that she was not interested in being involved, but her gut was telling her to run out of this family and not come back, but another stated to stay and help your father as much as she can so he would not suffer alone. Finely having the confidence to open the door, she would then walk in and see her mother-in-law and her father there while he was looking through the papers that Granet assumed were the letter of the Hamatos. "Father."
Looking up at the door, the long saw his daughter while getting the papers done on the desk to stand up and get over to her as he grabbed her hands gently. "Granet my dear beautiful daughter. I am glad you have come, there is something I need to discuss with you."
"Actually, it will help your father a lot." Granet looked at the queen with a stare while then looking back to her father in a most unsettling expiration of what this would be about. "What is it that would help you, father?" when she asked, it would make him hesitate while he would get a hand to her cheek gently. "We won't go to war if we arrange a massage."
"And you would be the perfect person to marry in their family." The Queen spoke behind the King, getting Granet to look at her with shock and then at her father, shining him back. "Never! Why would I marry them? Have one of my older sisters do it!"
Her father grabbed her hand after being shocked but looked worried. "They won't marry them, you know this... You know I don't want to go to war anymore and this has come to our conclusion. "
Hesitating while looking at her father. "Why me?"
"Because you used to send messages to his third son. You were friends, were you not?" when he asked that, she froze and pulled her hand away. "I write him to make me things... We barely know each other."
That was all the whole time they sent letters so she could get something more like presents when he would send them surprised that he actually did make them. But the last letter was when she asked about something to fly, as she knew it was a childish request. She never received a present for that as well, that was the time the war would start, making it impossible to receive anything.
Signing she looked at her father and then stepmother while she spoke. "I wish to think on this..."
"Of course, my dear." Granet then turned and walked out of the room, while she headed straight down the halls with numerous thoughts in her head.
She had never met them in person so she was not sure what they looked like apart from being told they were turtle mutants as she was fond of his inventions and the animals that used to come to give the resources. She was not sure if she could do this with all that she had done to be here for her father, she felt if she left her father would be slowly growing at his wife's and older daughter's greedy wishes and wants.

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