Chapter 9 🪄

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● In The Past ●

2 Weeks Later

Something didn't feel right, I was laying in bed, and I knew of that.

The morning sun was peeking through the curtains, and my chest felt like there was a weight pushing down
Upon it, my head felt foggy and also a little dizzy.

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in my room in my bed, but it also felt like I wasn't alone.

I looked over to my right side, and a mop of red long hair was sprawled across my second pillow with a white freckled arm across my chest.

"What the hell." I say a little too loud.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

For the love of God, please don't say that voice belongs to who I think it does.

"Baby, do you need me to suck your dick? Do you have morning wood that you need help with?" Ginnys head pop up from the pillow.

She licked her lips.

I think I'm going to throw up.

"What the hell, Ginny, why are you in my bed?" I screamed, sitting up and pulling the covers over my naked body to hide it from her greedy eyes.

"Alohomora." Was heard on the other side of my bedroom door.

Ron opened the door. Once he saw his naked sister in bed with me, he right away turned his back to us.

"I still can't believe your dating my sister mate and also bedding her, can't you do this some where else and when I am not at home so I don't have to see this shit."

Dating his sister, what the hell is he talking about.

"What do you mean dating your sister? I'm not dating Ginny."

"Shit," Ginny said beside me her too was sitting up in my bed, trying to over up.

Ron's back was still turned to us.

"Mate, have you lost it? You have been dating Ginny for the past few weeks now. The both of you even helped with moving Hermione into her new place and informed her and I that you and Ginny are an item."

No, I do not remember any of this shit that he is speaking of.

I guess the anger that I was feeling was now showing onto my face as I looked down at the woman beside me.

"What did you doooo?" I Seith out with Venom to my voice.

She was shaking like a leaf, I saw her mouth open a few times, but no words had come out.

Ron then noticed that something was wrong, so he then turned around to face both of us.

"Gin, what's wrong?" Ron asked, worried for his sister.

Ginny took a deep breath in, then letting it out.

"I was so preoccupied last night with you, Harry, that I forgot to make you your nighttime tea."

This does not make sense.

"What does this have to do with tea, and when did you start making me tea at night? Why would I....."

And then it hit me like cold water was pored over my head.

Like brother like sister.

"You spiked my drink." I say.

"Ron, pass me my boxers."

Ron does as I say, and I place my boxers on under the covers so that Miss Ginny doesn't see what she has already stolen from me.

Standing up now from my bed I say " With everything that I have heard we have been dating for a few weeks now so that means you have been drugging me for these so called weeks with a love Potion."

Ron looked at his sister, surprised, to say the least.

Ginny was a pretty girl she didn't need to give a love Potion to a guy to like her, Ron thought.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be with you so bad and I thought that with Hermione leaving and you where talking about going with her I needed to do something fast Harry I didn't want to loss you, I love you." Ginny cried out.



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