Prolouge Part 2

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(Third Person POV)
The agreement worked well for many years. Castiel made the land rich and fertile. The villagers lived off of the land, and would trade any excess to other villagers from other towns. It was a good situation for everyone. All of the local villages were shocked at the quick success and change of their neighboring village. While all of the surrounding villages were bare and infertile, theirs was thriving.
As agreed, the god Castiel had a yearly festival. It was around the time they made the deal, which was during harvesting season. The festival was famous throughout the area. Everyone from the village and from the neighboring villages would come and have a grand time. They would spend the evening in laughter and song. Their happiness and thankfulness made Castiel pleased, which would earn them a good harvest year.
But as the years wore on, Castiel had to let the land heal from its many harvests. Many of the villagers would not understand, blaming him as hating them. They would threaten to burn down his beloved forest if he didn't do something. This made Castiel annoyed, and want to spend less time with the humans in his care.
This pattern happened off and on throughout his many years in Lawrence. He's grown accustomed to it, getting used to their joyful parties and their seething rage. Many times, their ungratefulness bothered him. As the decades moved on, he saw less devotion in the villagers. The younger members didn't understand what Castiel actually did for them. Therefore, they didn't take any of his conditions seriously. This was a big thing problem irked Castiel, but he did not bring it up to the, now aged, Lawrence.
The last straw was when they broke his biggest condition. Her name was Pamela Anderson, and she didn't believe the villages conditions. She didn't even believe that Castiel was real. She thought that it was just a story that the elders told the younger children to get them to sleep. It was the night of the full moon, and Pamela was with some of her other friends. They were making each other do stupid things to show how brave they were.
One of her friends asked her to go into the forest on the full moon. The other people with them were shocked,and told her not to do it. Everyone knew that on the full moon Castiel would turn into his true form. It was the greatest law in the village, and was heavily inforced. If any of the elders heard that you went to the forest on a full moon, you would be exiled, even if you didn't see him. It was to much of a risk.
So she went up to the forest, and walked in. Her friends were at the border, watching in anticipation for her to come out. Little did Castiel know that she was in the forest. For tonight was when he took his true form. If a human looked at him, there would be terrible consequences. Pamela wandered and wandered, until she saw a marvelous blue light. Curiously, she walked towards it, hiding behind the underbrush.
When she got a full view off it, she screamed. Castiel was startled, which sent an ear splitting screech that shook the whole village. All of the villagers ran inside, covering their ears. It was a sound that their mortal ears have never heard before. They waited in silence, wondering if the inhuman noise would sound again. They have never been this fearful in their entire lives. For they knew that it was something to do with the god Castiel.
They waited for what seemed like hours, before finally emerging. They tentatively left their homes, and heard the running of footsteps. The footsteps came nearer, and the group of teenagers came running in. They were frantic, tears streaming down their faces. Behind this first group were two boys, sharing the weight of a girl. They came into the town square, and laid her down. By now, every villager was gathered in fear and distraught.
The main elder, Lawrence, pushed though the crowed, and gasped at what he saw. Her eyes were burned right out of her sockets, and she had a terrified expression on her face. She kept moaning, but her sounds were incoherent. He knew exactly who did this and why. He stood up, and faced the group of teenagers. They shuddered at his expression. Usually his face showed kindness and gentleness. But tonight, it showed fear and anger.
"What were you kids doing?!" He shouted at him. The crowd gasped, having never heard him shout before. The kids cowered beneath him, trembling in fear. "W-we dared her t-to go into t-the f-forest." One of them stammered out. Lawrence shook his head, and and covered his face with his worn hands. He faced the crowd after a moment. "Citizens, what is our most important law?!" He addressed them. They all said the rule in unison ; Never go into the forest on a full moon. The God, Castiel, may be in his true form, which is to divine for human eyes.
The mother of Pamela came rushing forward. She was hysterically crying, making strange noises while holding her child. The crowd was in an up rage. Everyone started yelling and screaming, mostly out of fear and hatred. This was the last straw for them.
This was when the God in the Forest, Castiel, came to be feared. They would not describe him as a kind being with soulful blue eyes and magnificent black wings. They now described him as an insane animal, thirsty for blood and death. Instead of magnificent, his wings were crooked, broken, and repulsive. His eyes used to be described as soulful, and the bluest blue you could ever see. Now they say they are filled with hatred and craziness.
His yearly festival changed too. Instead of merriment, it was filled with fear. They would give him a virgin sacrifice, which he would never accept. They did this every five months, to show their loyalty to him. When they did this, Castiel would only give them an even harsher harvest. For he did not want a sacrifice. He only wanted to be appreciated by his villagers.
As decades passed, the villagers grew more in fear. They would lock their children away, telling them to never even go near the forest. Many children listened to their mothers and fathers, and believed that the forest was home to a wicked evil. What the children did not know was that it was quite the opposite.
Castiel still lived in the forest, more alone than ever. He felt a kinship to the, now thriving, village. He would spend his days in loneliness, watching the the villagers from afar, never to interact with them. Pamela Anderson's death was a grave mistake, and every day he felt guilty for it. But the villagers would never know how he felt because they didn't care anymore. He wondered if there was even one villager left who knew the real him.

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