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As the phone rang, a mixture of anxiety and curiosity hung in the air

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As the phone rang, a mixture of anxiety and curiosity hung in the air. Tom, on the other end of the line, answered with a calm "Hello?" unaware of the whirlwind of emotions brewing in the bar.

Grace, her voice a mix of frustration and intoxication, exclaimed, "Tom, you won't believe what just happened. Men can be such jerks!"

Tom, immediately concerned, responded, "Kelly, are you okay? What happened?"

Grace, not missing a beat, continued, "I'm in New York for the night, and this guy at the bar... he's just awful. I had to call someone who understands."

Tom, piecing things together, realized she was drunk and in need of reassurance. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Are you safe? Where's Kelsey?"

Grace, realizing she had yet to share the whole story, replied, "Oh, Kelsey's right here. Hold on."

She handed the phone to Kelsey, who accepted it with a bemused expression. "Tom, this is Kelsey. Grace wanted you to know about our eventful night."

Tom, genuinely concerned, asked, "Is she okay?"

Kelsey, with a knowing smirk, decided to play along. "Yeah she will be, it seems like Grace encountered the charm of some New York nightlife. Don't worry; I'm making sure she survives the adventure."

As the conversation unfolded, Tom sensed there was more to the story. "Wait a minute. Kelsey, did you say her name is Grace?"

There was a brief pause on the line, and then Tom, his voice tinted with realization, said, "Wait, Grace? As in Grace Kelly? The ironic name?"

The revelation hit both parties simultaneously, and the bar's lively ambiance seemed to pause for a beat. Kelsey, amused by the unfolding drama, nodded in agreement.

Grace, with a mix of embarrassment and amusement, confessed, "Yeah, that's me. Grace, not Kelly."

Tom, his laughter echoing through the phone, reassured, "Well, Grace, it sounds like you're in good hands with Kelsey. Just be safe and have a memorable night. And if that guy bothers you again, give him a piece of your mind!"

As the call ended, the bar returned to its vibrant atmosphere, the unexpected encounter leaving Grace and Kelsey in a state of amused disbelief.

"Please tell me I won't remember this tomorrow."

Grace woke up the next day sprawled over a hotel bed, sunlight streaming through the curtains, exacerbating the remnants of a hangover. She groaned and rubbed her temples, trying to piece together the events of the night before.

As she attempted to gather her bearings, Kelsey emerged from the hotel bathroom, dressed elegantly and applying lipstick. Grace squinted against the sunlight and managed a weak smile.

"How are you feeling, Grace?" Kelsey inquired, concern lacing her voice.

Grace, still a bit disoriented, replied, "Like I got hit by a truck. What time is it?"

Kelsey glanced at her watch and sighed. "It's almost noon. I hate to rush you, but I need to get back to the set. We have a busy day of filming ahead."

Grace, realizing the weight of the situation, nodded. "Right, of course. I'll get myself together."

Kelsey, offering a sympathetic smile, said, "I'll call you a cab. Take your time, and we'll catch up later."

As Kelsey left the room to arrange transportation, Grace gathered her belongings and, with a throbbing headache, made her way to the door. The hotel hallway seemed unusually bright, and the echoes of the night's escapades lingered in her memory.

With a deep breath, Grace stepped out into the daylight, leaving the hotel behind and navigating the streets of New York City, completely unaware of the unexpected turns of the night and the surreal encounter with Tom Blyth the night before.

That was until she checked her messages with complete horror when she saw a message from tom.

so grace kelly huh?



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C speaks!

# one last update for tonight xxx

have a marvellous day!

 ✓𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘, tom blyth Where stories live. Discover now