Chapter 8: First Date

Start from the beginning

"Finally! You almost killed me." she snarls as she stumbles out of the car.
"Liking the hoodie." I wink.
"Shit, I forgot. Hold on." Courtney rolls her eyes.
She takes off the hoodie and reveals that she's in a red dress. Goddamn. She looks...
"You look hot." I blurt out.
"Again, not a compliment." she says as she does her signature eye-roll.
"Right." I shrug, looking her up and down.
"Stop looking at me!" Courtney shrieks.

Courtney Satella

Duncan keeps staring at me and I just keep rolling my eyes. One day my eyes are going to get stuck in the back of my head because of him.
I'm not uncomfortable though. Unexpected.
Why is everything so much easier with Duncan?
I hate admitting that.
But the only thing that was hard was trying not to stare at him. His blue-green eyes- oh my God...
I hate admitting that even more.
Let's change the subject...
As per usual, Duncan was dressed way too casually for his own good- as he was wearing a shirt and jorts and he took me to this fancy restaurant.
So unexpected. Right?!

I obviously insisted on paying, though. But he just pulled out what seemed to be his dad's credit card and payed before I could.
I wonder if he took that from him.

Now we're in the parking lot, walking to his car.
"You should've let me pay, Duncan. I feel bad." I say, waving my index finger at him.
"I woulda never let you pay, Princess." he grins, opening the car door.
"So, what now? Do you bring me home, orrrr...." I suggest as I look around the car.
"Wait? You wanna make out?" Duncan says, appalled that I would be the one to say it.
"Shut up. Just be grateful." I laugh as I roll my eyes.
"It's my lucky day." he grins, lunging at me as I pull his shirt in, laying on the backseats.
He slowly and passionately plants kisses on me as I giggle and I can't help but feel butterflies up my spine. His hands lock around my waist and I feel my face start blushing.
Good thing I'm not pale, because then Duncan would notice every time I blush, and that's a lot.
I grab onto his arm and pull him towards me.
"Ah," he winces.
I push him off me.
"What's wrong?" I laugh.

Duncan Tarun

"Nothing," I reply, as I laugh nervously.
"Are you sure?" Courtney says, raising an eyebrow.
I'm sure she doesn't think anything of it.
I nod and keep kissing her.
"Ow." I utter. Shitshitshit.
"Duncan, seriously. What's wrong?" she asks, genuinely concerned this time.

"Um, nothing. Like I said."
"It's not nothing! Am I like- hurting you or something? Is it my bracelet, or...?"
"No, it's not. I dunno why I did that," I lie.
"Let's just stop talking?" I smirk, trying to change the subject.
"Fine with me." she shrugs as she grins at me.
She grabs onto my arm again and I try not to make a noise but it hurts too much.
"Shit." I wince again.
"DUNCAN." she says, sternly.

Thank God I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt so she can't see anything.
"Yeah?" I ask, acting innocent about the fact that I keep getting hurt.
"Something's obviously wrong!" she shouts at me, with a concerned look on her face.
Courtney grabs my sleeve and pulls it up, revealing the bruises. SHIT.
"Oh my God..." she whispers, tracing her finger down my arm.
"Did you get into a fight?"

Courtney Satella

Oh my Gosh. Duncan just keeps looking down, ashamed and embarrassed that I found his bruises. What the fuck is going on?
"Answer my question." I demand, grabbing his chin and pulling up for him to look at me.
"No, I didn't get into a fight, Courtney. It doesn't matter, okay?" Duncan mutters as he looks away from me.
"It does matter. What happened? I promise I won't tell anyone." I reply.

"Nothing. Seriously," he says, smiling but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. He grabs my hand and cups it in his.
"You promise?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.
He just nods. I really hope it's true. I'm worried.
Shit. Why am I acting like a concerned mother for fucks sake...
"Okay, then let's just make out?" he smirks, changing the whole mood.
"Okay." I grin, kissing him again.

Friday, 10:43pm, My porch
"This was not as bad I thought." I say as I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile at him.
"Not that bad, huh?" he smirks.
"Didn't expect you to bring me back right on time." I exclaim, looking down at my watch, the display reading 10:43pm.
"What can I say? I'm a gentleman." Duncan laughs as he bows down. I giggle.

"No, but seriously. This was great, Duncan. I might've been wrong about you." I smile.
"Princess admitting she's wrong?" he says, looking appalled in an ironic way.
"Shut up and appreciate it," I roll my eyes once again.
"Bye, Courtney." he says while grabbing my waist and pulling me in for another kiss.
"Duncan!" I lecture through the kiss. "What if my dad saw?" I say as my eyes widen in panic.
"What if your dad saw?" he grins, shrugging.
"Ugh, whatever." I laugh, pulling him in by his shirt.

"Okay, but now you need to go." I say, trying to hide my disappointment that the date ended.
"Aw, miss me already?"
"We are not having another sleepover." I say with a serious look on my face.
"Fine, Princess. Bye."
"Goodbye, Duncan."
He just laughs to himself as he walks to his car.
"What is it?!" I shout at him.
"TELL ME!!" I shout louder, which I probably shouldn't do because most of my neighbours are probably asleep.
"You didn't say anything when I called you Princess." Duncan smirks as he closes the car door.

"Oh my God. I hate you!" I shout.
He rolls open the window.
"You love me." he grins. I roll my eyes but I feel myself blushing.
"Good night," I say as I turn on my heel and unlock the door.
"Good night, Princess." I hear behind me.
I just stomp my foot but before I can retort back with a response, he drives off.
He drives me crazy. In a good way- and in an annoying way too.

As I sit down on the couch and sigh,
I remember the bruises.
How could I forget? Shit. I'm worried. I know I shouldn't be, but... For God's sake, Court.
You just went on your first date, stop caring so much.
But you've known him your whole life, how can you not?
I really hope he's okay. I'm going to find out what happened. I hope it's just some pesky fight and nothing serious.
I really like him.

this chapter has a tiny twist and i hope u liked it!!
i'm gonna start writing these little notes at the start or/end of the chapters !!
i'm about to start school again since my break is almost over so it'll take me a bit longer to write the chapters but i won't stop writing TWILY!!
side note:
i do not write smut.
i think its so unnecessary and it usually gives me second hand embarrassment so you've been warned !! i might reference it but i can't write it anyways so yeah !!

THE WAY I LOVED YOU: duncan tarun and courtney satella (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now