Where's Karan? I asked

Ma'am sir had some work so he asked me to pick you up he said he will meet you there

Where are we Going? I said curiously

I can't tell that ma'am

What do you mean

I have gotten orders that i am not supposed to reveal to you where I am taking you

Wow. Okay I said and looked out of the window..

What a weird man. First he tells me that all this is just and alliance for him and then he gets my number I dont know how and tells me he is taking me on a date and when on the date he doesn't even come to pick me up he sent his driver to pick his to-be-wife up for a date and he's told him not to tell him where were going also.. This guy is just so confusing but i was fine with all of this cause I myself had to clear some things out to him I didn't want him to get any ideas that i like him cause I dont..

After a 1 hour ride we reach the place. It was a beautiful Place. I entered a girl took me to some "Private area" and as i entered I saw him in his usual black suit. I could feel his heated glaze on me when I was thanking the girl. I walked towards him and


Tejasswi's outfit

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Tejasswi's outfit

Tejasswi's outfit

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Karan's outfit


Hey guys,

Here is today's chapter. I know it is a short chapter but as i told yesterday I have my pre-boards and i have study for it.. But please do tell me if you guys liked It. Do vote and comment your favorite part of the chapter. Love you all.

Thank you
Your writer

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