3. Eyes.

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"Look into my eyes, you will find me."


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"Taehyung, are you free after school?" Jimin asked, looking at the said boy's head. Taehyung was looking outside the window while head resting on the study table in front of him.

Yoongi was just behind Jimin, rubbing a hand softly on the back of the boy. just trying to make his lover feel a little loved.

Taehyung sat up tilted his head slightly to the left and asked. "Why Mimi?"

"His older brother wants to meet us, you know he wanna see if Mimi is friends with good people. And Mini is very close to you and me that's why his brother wants to meet us only." Yoongi said knowing Jimin wouldn't be able to lie.

Taehyung looked at Jimin who nodded a little with a small smile. And they were a little gap until Taehyung nodded towards the couple.

"I will go but I won't be staying longer, is that okay?" The boy asked.

"Of course! More than okay tae!" Jimin almost shouted in happiness although he lowered his voice when the next class teacher walked inside. Yoongi and he went back to their seats beside each other leaving Taehyung.


"Breathe Audrey!" The cabin was filled with cries and whimpers, and the room was dark with only a lamp brightening the little area where a woman was lying on the chair. Eyes closed but tears were dripping from them continuously.

Jungkook's assistant, Henry was standing right beside him holding a tray which has everything the psychiatrist needed.

"Now I need you to come back Audrey, Slowly... Can you see my hand?" The woman named Audrey nodded repeatedly eyes still closed. "Then hold it and let's get out," Jungkook said, his voice was soft, and warm as he held her tumbling hands.

"We are out now open your eyes." Audrey slowly opened her eyes, finally back to reality. It took a few seconds to understand everything around her.

"Ma'am" Henry called her while passing a glass of water after drinking it Audrey could see her psychiatrist sitting on his chair across the room, now the cabin was lighter up with lights.

She got up after some time and went towards Jungkook and sat in front of him.

"I see a lot of progress in you today I assume you are taking the medicines on time?" The doctor looked up after asking the question.

They had some talk regarding Audrey's case and after being done with it Jungkook got up.

"We are done for today right?" He asked his assistant while wearing the coat.

"Yes sir we are done!" Henry says looking up at the clock which shows the time is 6 p.m.

"Okay, then I'll be off for today! Go home safely after closing." With it, Jungkook got out of his cabin with his small black suitcase. He nodded at the receptionist girl Maria and went out of the building.

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