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They finally catch up to Gwen and Kevin at a Forever Knight castle. "Thanks a lot, guys." Big Chill says sarcastically. "Way to leave us behind." Aria tells them, and Big Chill lands, lets her go and wraps his wings around himself. She looks past them and sees a Ben look-a-like. "Woah, uh..." She looks between Gwen and Kevin confused. Big Chill detransforms and Ben smiles at his look-a-like. "And, uh, who's your good-looking friend?" He asks. "Ben Tennyson?" The look-a-like asks. "A most difficult creature to find, but I must see you. I am Albedo of the Galvin." Albedo introduces himself. "A Greymatter? Kinda tall." Ben asks. "And less grey." Aria adds. "I am the builder of the Omnitrix. I must have it back. Your days as Ben 10 are at an end." Albedo says, shocking the group. "Remove your Omnitrix and return it." He demands. "Wait, Albedo. I thought this was the only Omnitrix in the universe. And, anyway, a guy named Azmuth built it." Ben says and Albedo glares at him.

"Azmuth is a liar." Abedo accuses. "But the DNAliens, the Highbreed-- I'm supposed to save the world with it." Ben tells him. "It is incomplete and prone to catastrophic malfunction." Albedo shares and Ben taps on the watch. "Not lately." Ben replies. "You have great luck, or by now you would've ripped a hole in the fabric of the universe." Albedo informs. "He could be a Highbreed trying to trick you out of it." Gwen points out. "Whatever he is, don't give him the watch." Aria tells him. "Maybe. Why don't you show your face? It feels a little crazy talking to myself." Ben asks. "If only I could. I am stuck in a sticky, sweaty, noisy, hungry, hairy, smelly teenage human body, constantly craving chili fries and scratching myself in places I suspect are inappropriate!" Albedo complains. "Wow. He really is you." Gwen says. "You see, your DNA is encoded as the default in your Omnitrix. Mine synchronizes across space and time with yours. You've become my default as well." Albedo explains. "Well, which is it? You want the watch to fix it or to keep the universe from falling apart?" Kevin asks, walking over to him.

"Uh, both!" Albedo stutters. "Since you built the Omnitrix, tell me how it comes off." Ben asks. "Yes. I trust you are versed in the practical applications of eighth-dimensional quantum-gravity monopole equations." Albedo asks. Ben stares at his doppelganger and notices something. "It really does twitch when I lie." He says, referring to Albedo's left eye. "Told ya." Kevin says, then looks at Albedo and the Tennysons, crossing their arms. "Very well. There are other ways to disarm you." Albedo pushes Kevin, transforms into Jetray, and kidnaps Ben. "Ow!" Ben shouts and transforms into Humungousaur. Jetray drops him into the water and shoots neurobeams at him. Humungousaur climbs onto the castle dodging another neurobeam but gets hit when he is at the top. "Hey! That really stings." Humungousaur says, grabbing a piece of the castle and throwing it at Jetray, who dodges it. "You are not worthy to wear the Omnitrix!" Jetray shouts and tackles Humungousaur, causing them both to crash through the castle. "Find something to touch!" Gwen tells Kevin, who looks around then back at her. "Huh?" He asks confused. "Oh." He grabs a sword and absorbs the metal into his arm. "It'll have to do." He says.

Humungousaur groans and sits up and Jetray lands in front of him. "Thank you for your sacrifice." He says. Jetray is about to shoot Humungousaur with his neurobeams, but Kevin throws rocks at him, which Aria manifests. "What a crock." Kevin says, grabbing another rock from Aria and throwing it at Jetray along with Gwen, who throws another one using a mana bolas. Jetray destroys the rocks allowing Humungousaur to grab him by his head and hold him close so that he can't attack. "Give up. I'm better at this." Humungousaur advises, and Jetray shoots the walls while squirming. Gwen looks up and sees a part of the castle falling and makes a bubble around them, rolling them out of the way. Jetray manages to get out of Humungousaur's grip and flies away and Humungousaur detransforms. "He won't get far. He left his mana all over the place." Gwen tells her cousin.

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