And she waited...


She stared as the sun slowly went down and she sighed

The time only shows 2:35 PM and the princess decides to just go to Crystal finding

While searching in the nearby hill, she finds so many crystals that she decides to save them in case of emergencies

And going back, the sun is going down, which is good news

Now let's wait for her next plan to commence

The pink-haired goes to the kitchen and grabs some food from the cooks

When they question why, she tells them that she's a bit hungry but in reality, it's all for her friend in the tower

Ami makes sure that her mother is already asleep and she checks up on her

After finding out that her mother is sleeping, the princess finds her chance and immediately climbs the tower

Upon opening the door, she finds Geo to be


The young man isn't being chained to the tower instead, he's not even there

That's until she looks down and sees someone carrying Geo into the forests

Without any reluctance, the girl jumps down and follows them

Navigating through the trees and branches, she makes sure that the person didn't get out of her sight

But after going into a clearance, the kidnapper and Geo is gone

Looking around, Ami tries to find any clue on where they are going but that's until she gets knocked out and falls to the ground

As she looks up, the princess sees Geo checking up on her and kneeling above her face before touching her face and she passes out

Upon waking up, the princess wakes up in her bedroom and immediately looks around her room

As she tries to remember what happened, an explosion happened near the castle

Through her window, the pink-haired sees her mother fighting with Geo

Punch after punch, Ami can only watch in pain as her friend can only take it

That's when she decides that enough is enough and goes to them

After getting out, she follows them into a nearby mountain

Gwain was still punching Geo without mercy and stopping


Even more flurry of hits from the queen managed to make the mountain almost fall down

With one last kick to the boy, the whole place crashed down

The Queen picks up the boy and is about to hit him with a fist full of magic, one hit and he'll be dead

But upon looking down, she sees Ami trying to get her attention, but a piece of rock is about to hit her

While Gwain is distracted, Geo takes the opportunity to get away from her grip to save Ami

As the rock was about to hit Ami, Geo shielded himself from her

He hugs her and turns his back towards the falling mountain

Queen Gwain wastes no time and starts searching through the pile

When she does, she finds Geo still protecting Ami by hugging her

Gwain: Ami! Are you okay?

The Princess nods and the Queen lets out a sigh of relief

Gwain: Thank goodness you are! And you...thank you for saving her

Geo can only give a thumbs up before he passes out, which gives Ami almost an instant heart attack

Upon waking up, the young boy discovers himself to be in Ami's bedroom

He wakes up to see Ami being asleep while holding his hand

Geo holds her hand back and pats her head, but this wakes her up immediately

Realizing that he's awaken, the princess pulls Geo into a hug

A few tears are being dropped on Geo's clothes but he doesn't care

???: So you're awake?

The two looks at the door, where they see Gwain standing while crossing her arms.

Gwain: Alright, since you've redeemed yourself, I've decided to just promote you to be Ami's bodyguard because thank you for saving her

The young man nods and smiles at her

Gwain: Anyway, you two can have a moment for yourselves. Meet me up after you two are done

After the Queen leaves them, Ami immediately pulls Geo into a kiss

This shocks the boy and he froze, which made Ami giggles

The two would meet up again with Gwain in the throne room

Gwain: I know that I've been treating you harshly ever since you've been here. But I decided to reevaluate my decision and now I believe that you can keep Ami safe while accompanying her.

Geo smiles at Ami clings to his arm

Gwain: So, you are no longer being chained while I beat you. You are now her bodyguard. But a friendly reminder that if you fail to defend her, I can change my mind

The young man nods at her request, which made Gwain satisfied at him

Gwain: Now, I've been thinking of changing the watchtower to your place for you to have a place to live with. I'll be sending a few staff members to clean that place, in the meantime, you two can enjoy your time outside.

And just like that, Geo and Ami's dream becomes reality

They're able to spend their time together without Geo being chained

They can't wait what their time of being together is like!

Fast forward to year XXXX

There is a new ceremony around the castle

Crowds from the kingdom of Teoran gathers as they watch from the balcony of the palace

Queen Gwain steps out and starts giving her speech to an audience of more than 500+ people

Inside of the balcony, a concerned Geo is holding Ami's hand

The Princess knows what's going on and reassures him

The two had grown a lot together

Ami introduced him to her friends, they've went on a lot of dates, and even trained fighting together

But a few years after they dated, the couple then got married

And the next day after he gets married, Geo is crowned to be Prince of Teoran

After she was done with her speech, Geo stands in front of the people of Teoran

Queen Gwain takes a crown from the servant next to her

Gwain: And with this crown, you, Geo, will shall be crowned as the current Prince of Teoran and will stand by the people and for the people

With a single nod, he bows down and Queen Gwain places the crown on the top of his head

Geo is now the Prince alongside Princess Ami

He had gone from a human who had been abused and jailed by the queen

To being the first human crowned to be a member of a royal family in Teoran and alongside the husband of the princess

Geo X Ami Oneshot (Gwain Saga)Where stories live. Discover now