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Even though my body was well trained...


Also, I wasn't able to perform teacher's move correctly, maybe it was because I never trained with a sword.

"How about combining it with your martial arts?"

That gave me motivation, wouldn't I look badass? After Saturo explained me how those breath technique works, I started to work on my sword skills.

Under the watchful gaze of the towering mountain, I began my sword training, the crisp mountain air carrying whispers of ancient wisdom. With a swift and controlled motion, the sword traced a graceful arc through the air, embodying the essence of martial arts. Each movement was a dance, a harmony of strength and precision, echoing against the silent backdrop of the serene mountain landscape. The blade glinted in the sunlight as the practitioner honed their skills, finding balance between power and finesse in every mesmerizing swing.

I call my style, Martial Blade Breath: Iron Fist Slash.
This style combines traditional martial arts techniques with a sword aloowing me to slay demons easily and improve more.

Now that I had a teacher, he reminded me of my father, both of them were strict but teacher will let me use martial arts anytime. Maybe because of the different circumstances of this world.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my family, my parents, siblings and friends but I was aware that I couldn't return to them. Because I have died in my world.
Now that I think about it, why did I fight with father? Was it really necessary? Why did I fight the person who ended up in the hospital? What made me angry that day?

Ah right...

Some people were meant to be assholes like them...

I witnessed it every day; girls being harassed by a male student who joined the yakuza recently. Everyone feared him afraid of offending the whole gang so the girls couldn't do anything to defend themselves.

The guy crossed his line once he laid eyes on my dear sister, right in front of me.

Sister also obeyed father and didn't use martial arts but she did her best to push the guy off who only grew more aggressive. I couldn't watch anymore so I punched him, not only once but several times and at the end, he was sent to the hospital.

Sister returned home early while I faced the concequences with the teachers. I wasn't feeling like to go home that day so with my bike, I spent my time at somewhere where I could find peace for a while.
That car... was it perhaps a member of the yakuza or was it coincidence? Driving in such shitty wheater was dangerous but still, it was fault for not checking the road clearly. I couldn't blame anyone, it was my fault.

I hope sister won't blame herself... Because that day was our last time we talked together.

"Y/n!" Saturo's voice snapped out while I still swung my sword around, "your martial arts look so cool! Can you teach me a few moves?"

Opon hearing his request, I twirled the sword with effortless grace, the blade describing an elegant circle through the air. With a seamless transition, I positioned my sword behind my arm, the blade snugly nestled in a protective stance as I stopped my training.

I watched his sparkling eyes, how lively.
He was now my mentor sibling and my only friend I made in this world.
"Sure," he gasped in excitement after hearing me agree.

I lost count of the days while I continued my routine until at the very same mountain in an afternoon, Saturo came to me with an excited expression like always but this time more.

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