6. Demon in the Basement

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Wisps of smoky iridescent magic floated across the basement of Blissful Bites Bakery. It reeked of burnt apple pie, sulfur, and mildew. Icy nails trailed down Seraphina's spine and the winds howled outside as if the Gods above were angry with her. She inhaled a sharp breath, releasing her worries and doubts as she exhaled.

Summoning demons was forbidden in the country of Marusticia. Despite how many times she conjured up the damned and took as many precautions as possible, paranoia still coiled around her like a venomous snake. Anyone could catch her in the wicked act. Even though she barricaded the door with a magic seal and she summoned only in a dark, windowless room, she couldn't help but worry what would happen if someone found her.

So why did she do it? Why risk everything to bring forth a wicked demon only for a few moments?

All her life, her folks filled her head with images of deformed devils and ungodly creatures that crawled up the walls with spider-like limbs. Once someone allowed such dark magic into their heart, it stalked them until death.

As she lit her vanilla scented candles, meticulously placed around her summoning circle, magic surged through her veins. She filled in the circle with salt, then added the bones of the dead wolf walker she'd slayed and kept with her. It was a relief when the woman at the shop didn't mention such when she was with Silas. Explaining why she kept some of its bones would have proved difficult.

Seraphina chanted the familiar summoning spell, coming to her like she'd recited the words all her life. Magic burned in her palms as she used her dagger's blade to cut her hand and dribble her own blood into the circle as a final step to completing the ritual.

Silence swept over the basement as a numbing warmth flowed through her body like drizzled honey. Her blood simmered beneath her flesh. Only when a plume of black smoke filled the circle did she release her magic grip, watching in awe at the familiar figure that emerged within her circle.

Icy blond hair cascaded over her shoulders and eyes as pale as the winter sky met her own, lips curved in a sweet, friendly smile. Spiderwebs of black spilled across her face from the death curse that killed her on the first night of Harvest Fest. Charlotte Cromwell stood in the midst of her summoning circle. Bat-like wings sprouted from her shoulder blades and two tiny horns protruded from her head, but even in spite of that, Seraphina only saw her childhood best friend. Not some wicked hellspawn.

"Greetings, Seraphina." Charlotte stepped precariously close to the barrier that contained her. She cocked her head down, eyeing the bones at their feet. "I see you slayed a wolf walker."

"Kind of," Seraphina admitted, biting the inside of her cheek. She knew she shouldn't betray Silas's trust in her, but she couldn't lie to her old friend either. It wasn't like she could hide it from her for long anyway. "You remember Silas Rosewood, right? He saw me struggling with the wolf that attacked me and interfered. It bit him."

"Has the Supernatural Council executed him yet?" Charlotte watched her closely, frowning. "Don't tell me you neglected to inform them."

"What else could I have done?" Seraphina spread her hands. "I didn't want him to die because of me."

Charlotte glowered, pointed tail swishing back and forth. "It's the boy's own fault for getting involved. If the council doesn't kill him, you'll have to. He'll lose control and eat everyone."

"About that..." Seraphina rocked on her feet. "We discovered a mauled corpse in his backyard. But hear me out, okay? Silas couldn't have done it because he was with me all night. Someone's trying to frame him. It also means there could be another one roaming around Briarwood."

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