Chapter 27: Impede Sensation

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(Rinariko's POV)

*Zirconia's Subconscious Brain*

" Negative emotions can break loose like an iron shackles attached to a prisoner "

In a dark place, where that i can't even see myself, a place that's surrounded by dark aura.

A place as cold as ice, even a fire isn't enough to light up this frozen place, a place full of sadness, anger, envy, revenge, all pent up emotions that burdens me.

As i slowly rise up from the floor, i can feel cold air brushing towards me, i felt a cold floor with some broken pieces of glass scattered on the ground.

I could feel the broken glasses as if i was stepping on them. I couldn't feel the pain, but i could feel the blood from cuts of broken glass dripping all over the ground.

I thought to myself, if i was actually barefoot while walking in this ground. I barely continued walking while slowly feeling the pain and blood dripping continuously.

A light slowly peeks through this dark room, a warm air enters this place that slowly feels like a hug. That creates a comforting feeling that calm me down.

A little girl appeared in front of me, with a beaming smile marked in her face, i could hardly recognize her face.

As i recognize the face of that little girl, i remembered my face when i was just a little girl, as a matter of fact, i was actually that little girl.

The next destination shocked me through my core, as a room filled with memories appear at a blink of an eye, my bedroom were i stayed up all night playing an otome game.

"Captive Hearts in Grazelle Magic Academia " also known as (C. H.I.G.M.A)", where i was reincarnated and given a chance to experience a life changing event.

After seeing that flashback from my memories when i was still Rinariko, the light slowly faded to the void and darkness surrounded the place, cold air.

My whole existence froze from the cold air, the sadness slowly crept on mind, my eyes slowly welled up with tears with a sense of sadness.

Like the whole place, my whole existence until my core froze, the tears continuously drip through my eyes, until my mind could only think about negativity.

Another little girl appeared in front of me, a little girl that cried a lot, although the place was dark, but a could sense a feeling of sadness and fear all over that little girl.The little girls eyes were swollen indicating an extreme sadness from her eyes.

I watch that little girl as it grow into a beautiful girl, but everytime i see her her eyes were swollen just like the last time, that beautiful girl says something familiar, to me that made me realize the situation.

"I will keep this tears hidden and become strong enough to hold this pain"the girl uttered while wiping her tears and fixing her swollen eyes.

Curiosity eats my mind, that made me want to use my ability and come closer to see that girl. "Wait, what ability im only a mere human powerless " i uttered to myself.

I remembered something that enlightened my worries, my burdens, Yurira -sama the goddess that help me survive from my first life. I became a most loathed character in this game, that suffered from a lot of problems baring this emotions.

Soon enough, the dark place was engulfed with raging fire so hot, that indicates the anger and revenge, like a iron shackles ready to free themselves from this impede sensation.

The next thing that i saw, broke my heart into thousand pieces, a girl so innocent being beaten up by a maid so harshly that her face and whole body were filled with bruises.

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