Chapter 1

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The sound of rustling woke her, her eyes opening finding a man with the same hair as her but with orange eyes standing there. "Sadie?" She sat up, her body trembling a little as she did so. "Sorry...b-but do I know you"Sadie mutters getting back into acting. She had nearly forgotten that she needed to pretend she forgot everything. She almost called this man her father. "Y-You don't remember me.."Her father stared looking stunned. She shook her head and scooted away from him, gripping her blanket. "Hammel!" Darly came in, her eyes widening when her eyes landed on the nervous girl. "MOTHER!" She threw the blanket off, rushing over to her mother. "Who is that man?! Why is he in my room!"Sadie cried tears falling down her cheeks. Hammel stared in disbelief, looking close to breaking down. Oh, she felt so bad for this man but she needed to keep this act up. "Sadie, hon, that's your father"Darly explains worriedly. She turned to the man, her eyes wide in surprise.

"F-father?"Sadie blurts out stepping towards him. Hammel nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. She tackle hugged him, her fathers arms wrapping around her. "I'm sorry! I didn't know, I-I don't remember anything!"Sadie says looking up at him. "It's alright...don't worry about it, little lady"Hammel chuckles pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. "Wh-what now?"Sadie asks looking worried. "Since you can't remember anything, we'll have to keep that hidden for now, so you'll relearn everything you've lost"Darly responds placing a hand on the girls cheek. "Okay!"Sadie smiled nodding to her mother. She mentally cheered, giving herself a pat on the back. She had practiced her acting skills with her father before all of this. It came in handy after all that training. Her stomach growled causing her eyes to widen. "You get some more rest, we'll have a maid bring you something to eat"Hammel says. "Okay"Sadie nods. She watched them go and sighed, sitting on her bed.

She had no idea where she was. This felt like a game but at the same time felt like real life. She sighed, wondering what she should do now if she was stuck here. "Is Daddy is okay.."Sadie asks out loud remembering how desperately he had reached for her before she blacked out. "I can't go home now....but these people seem nice.."Sadie mutters touching her hair. A knock came from her room door, her head turning to it. "Oh, you can come in!"Sadie calls looking curious. A maid came in with a tray, smiling at her but the smile sent a shiver down her spine for some reason. "Lunch, Lady Sadie"The smiling maid greeted as she set the tray down over Sadie's lap. She didn't have the girls memories, so she didn't know who she should be avoiding and befriending right now but this maid was most definitely not friendly. "Thank you"Sadie mumbles. She picked up the fork and knife, remembering one thing. "I hope I'm doing this right"Sadie mutters. She cut the steak, her fork spearing it and brought it to her mouth.

It  was cold. The steak was cooked but cold. "H-huh.."Sadie stared startled. The maid started giggling, looking highly amused. The tray with the food on it was sent flying as Sadie threw her blanket off. She backhand slapped the maid, narrowing her eyes. She was not about to let a maid make a fool out of her. Her dad had always told her to stand up for herself. To never let anyone pick on her no matter who they were. If they didn't show you the respect you so wished for, then show them no mercy. "Did you think that was funny?! GET OUT!"Sadie scowled. She grabbed the maids arm and threw her out to the floor. "Don't come back unless you have hot food for me"Sadie orders the maid staring at her in complete shock and disbelief. She closed her room door, and went over to the food on the ground, cleaning the mess up. She sighed, and climbed back into bed when she was done, burying her face into her arms. A knock came from the door again. "Yes?!"Sadie calls. "Lady Sadie, your father said to meet him!"


Sadie walked down the hall, wearing a white dress with fake red roses along the chest and waist part, a few pearls were adorned on the fake roses and along the rest of her dress forming flower patterns. A white bow was in her hair, keeping it all in a ponytail. She walked to the front of the house where her parents were waiting, taking in the decorated area. She perked up, noticing a dark brown haired male standing not fair, his locks combed back neatly. He looked over at his orange eyes meeting her green ones. "Sadie"Hammel greets his hands clasped behind his back. Sadie stared, her eyes widening at the sight of the maid she slapped. The bitch was smirking. The sheer audacity she had. She was trying to get her into trouble. "We heard something unusual..."Hammel continues Darly beside her. "Camil, come forward and speak up"Hammel orders. The smirk on the maids face vanished in an instant as she stepped forward. "Lady Sadie threw a tantrum and slapped me bec-"Camil starts. "The food was cold."

All eyes went to the brown haired male as he walked forward, hands stuffed in his pockets. "Sora?"Darly says curious. "I was standing outside the door when I heard the commotion then took off afterwards...Camil fed my sister cold food..."Sora scowled glaring at the stunned maid. "I know...wanted to see if she'd come clean." Hammel raised his sword glaring at Camil with clear murderous intent. Sora shot over and covered Sadie's eyes, holding her close as he looked away. "Hammel! The kids!"Darly scolds as the guards dragged the dead maid away. "Forgive me, I can't control myself when it comes to my babies...."Hammel mutters cleaning his bloodied sword off. "Father, you're scary sometimes"Sora huffed lowering his hand. Sadie stared, then looked up. This person was her brother. He was also clearly older based on his appearance. "Thank you"Sadie smiled tugging on his sleeve. He stared down at her then walked away, muttering something. She blinked, then perked up when he looked at her.

Sora stared at her then huffed when she didn't move from her spot. He speed walked over and picked her up with one arm, walking away even ignoring the sounds of their parents calling out to them. "Huh?"Sadie blinked looking confused. She looked down at Sora, noticing the flash of guilt that appeared on his face. Should she call him brother or just stay silent. She wasn't sure if he could see through her amnesia act. He plopped her down in a seat inside a carriage and stepped in after her, plopping down into a seat across from her. "Take us to that new toy shop in town!"Sora ordered crossing his legs. Her eyes sparkled at the mention of toys, which didn't go unnoticed by her elder brother. "I knew that'd cheer you up"Sora huffed looking highly amused by her excitement. She laughed, rubbing the back of her head, then lowered her hand. Now she could try and figure out why she fainted. It was clear she wasn't the only person here in this place. She had to find her fellow man or woman and befriend them so they can stick together.

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