"What do you mean you want to break up?" Y/n's voice was small and hurt, but sounded loud in the silence. "What do you mean?"

"We're going to different schools, Y/n," Chan tried to explain. "We'll be in different cities. We won't last long distance."

Y/n scoffed. "And how the fuck do you know that? How do you know if you don't try?"

"I don't think I'll be able to stand it," he replied softly. "I mean, I'm used to seeing you everyday. Seeing you once every three months just won't feel the same, you know?"

She shook her head, she didn't understand. But if this was what he wanted, she supposed she'd have to deal. Her tone lowered as she tried to blink away the tears. "If this is what you want, there's nothing I can do. I guess I'll see you around."

Chan smiled sadly at her. He really thought it was for the best. Sure, they'd hurt for a bit, but they'd get better. It was a high school relationship, they weren't meant to last forever, right?

Y/n stood up from her chair at the coffee shop and walked away without anymore words. She didn't think she'd be able to get any out without crying in front of him, and that's something she wouldn't do since he had just broken up with her. She was able to hold in her tears until she made it home, then she collapsed on her bed and sobbed.

She had never felt pain like that before. She was in love with him, but whatever he needed to be happy, right? This was what he wanted. She'd get over it eventually, right?


A year passed, and Y/n had gotten over him. She went to school at Hybe University. She moved on. Made new friends, found someone she liked, and made him hers. Chan was never thought about, she almost forgot he existed. He wasn't her world anymore, and it felt so good.

Choi Yeonjun was her new man. He treated her nice, bought her gift and flowers, took her on dates, spent time with her, and he went to her college. That is, until she transferred to JYP for her third year of college. But he didn't leave her. Instead, he offered to do long distance; that's something Chan never did for her. She was happy and free. Yeonjun was actually the one who suggested she transfer. He knew she'd have better opportunities at JYP, and he wanted the best for her.

Chan, on the other hand, regretted the choice he made the second she left him sitting alone in that coffee shop after he broke up with her. He tried dating a few times the year after they broke up, but no one felt the same. No one made him feel like she did. He was about ready to give up on love.

Until he saw her in the coffee shop.

He was walking with some friends, Felix and Changbin, when he noticed her in the window of the JYP coffee shop. It made Chan stop in his tracks and look again. What was she doing there? She went to a different school. Felix and Changbin noticed his silence and stopped with him, turning to him confused.

"Everything okay, hyung?" Felix asked, only to be ignored.

Chan went into the coffee shop. He had to talk to her.

Y/n looked up when she heard the bell on the door ring. A smile on her lips ready to greet whoever it was who walked in the door. Her eyes widened and the smile dropped.

He was the last person she was expecting to see.


And now we have the Chan version out!! Go check out the Minho one and the Jisung one! None of them are finished, but I'll be working on all of them at once. Along with the other members of stray kids.

All of the books are in the same universe.

Now for our QOTC (Question of the Chapter): Who was your first bias in Stray kids?
Mine was Hyunjin.


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