The Day

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You can do this ! You can do this! You'll get the job you studied hard for this day to come. She was continuously repeating the same words in her mind. She was sitting in her dream company for an interview and she was hella nervous and excited at the same time. "Miss y/n now it's your turn please follow me" A person from the company said to her she followed him and went to the boss's cabin. "Good morning sir. I'm y/n . Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself to you". "Good morning miss y/n  . Please sit. " The boss said she thanked him and sat. 

Time Skip

"I'm impressed miss y/n  you are qualified for this job my P.A will help you understand your work you can start from tomorrow " "Thank you so much sir I will work hard thank you so much sir ". She was very happy that she got the job . I should probably celebrate this with aunt Stella. She quickly went to the bakery to meet her aunt Stella. "Aunt I am back' " y/n dear how did your interview go did you get the job please don't be sad if you didn't I'll set another appointment in another company wait were they rude with you don't worry about that too I'll handle everything I'll tell your uncle and he-- " " Aunt !Aunt! atleast let me speak no they were not rude nor you have to set another appointment in another company because I got the job" "Wait what did you say you got the job ohh my gosh I am so proud of you honey !!!. I am so happy I wish your mom dad was here they would be so proud of you tooo 😔" Aunt Stella said sadly. Y/n  parents died from a car accident when she was very young her aunt and uncle raised her like their own daughter. They were very rich her uncle Jhon was the owner of a big company and he even told her to take his place but y/n politely refused. She wanted to achieve something on her own . "They're proud aunt they're probably watching me from up there . I know they are happy too. Now stop being sad okay let's go and eat our favourite doughnut " y/n told Stella in order to cheer her up . "Okay honey you go first I am calling your uncle to tell him this great news". "Okay aunt" Saying this y/n went to order their favourite doughnut . "I want 2 chocolate doughnuts and two vanilla doughnuts with some sprinkles and a blueberry pie too " "Here you go ma'am . Thank you so much for coming."  After taking her doughnuts and pie she turned around to leave but she got bumped into a guy. She looked at that guy he was wearing full black outfit his face and hairs were covered with a black hat .  She was getting negative vibes from him. "Weird" she thought . "I'm sorry" saying that she quickly went to her aunt. They both went to their seats and started eating. The guy she bumped into earlier was watching her without her noticing suddenly he gets a call "Did you find her " "Yes she is infront of me now " "You have to kidnap her and kill her " " Don't you dare tell me what to do I'll do what I want to do so don't mess up with me" Saying this he cutted the call and went out of the shop . "Follow her everywhere and bring full information about her within 24 hours " He ordered one of his man . "She is too beautiful to be killed " he said to himself while admiring her from the outside. The way she was talking, her facial expressions, the way she tucks her hair behind her ears everything about her was so mesmerizing for him . He snapped out of thoughts and went away but little did he know that someone was watching him adoring y/n . His blood boiled seeing a man eyeing on his girl "He will be dead for sure " the man whispered . He has been protecting her since she was 17 without her knowing in other words he was stalking her since past 4 years. "Just wait till the right time comes princess then I'll make you mine protecting from everyone out here who wants to harm you  but for now I need to find the one who ordered you to kill" he again whispered and went to his car . 

Next Day

Its y/n's  first day at work she is very excited. "Bye aunt I am going" " Best of luck honey " she smiled at her aunt and went to office. The boss's secretary explained her everything "Thank you so much Mr.???," "Mr.William you can call me that . Now let's introduce you to your team . " Then the secretary introduced her she got well along with everyone. They were so friendly to her that made her feel happy that she got such a friendly team and even the team captain was nice to hear . He is bit strict but he is a captain so it explains a lot about his behaviour. Her first day of work went very smoothly and she even got compliments from her team's captain. "You are so talented y/n you even got compliments on your first day we never got compliments on our first day but you really impressed him . "Lily one of her team member said to her . Lily was really very cheerful and she was the "one who firstly talked to her . " Hey y/n let's go to the shopping together" " Right now but -" "Please! Please! Please!" Lily said to her showing puppy eyes "Okay okay fine . I can't resist your cuteness let's go " Then they together went to the shopping mall . Talking to each other Lily got to know about y/n's  parents and got shocked when y/n told her that her uncle owns a big company."What you refused your uncle who was freaking offering you a whole company just to get here"  "Ummm yeah I refused him hehehehhe 😅😅"They talked and talked and finally completed their shopping. "Let me drop you home " "Okay". Then y/n  dropped Lily and they said bye to each other. Days passed by y/n and Lily became best friends. y/n  even got the new position in her team due to her hard work and talent she even got to know that Lily has a huge crush on the team's captain and she often teased her about this. "Congratulations you all. Because of your hard work we got the deal . So now I've decided to promote your team to a senior level . Well done you all" The company 's boss was saying this to y/n's  team which worked hard to get the deal. They all were so happy. "Okay, so team in order to celebrate our success we are having a party tomorrow at xxxx hotel . You all don't be late okay " the team's captain announced this . "Wow y/n  can you believe it we are having a party tomorrow I'm so excited yeeeeeeeeee" "Yes you are right I am so happy " . "Let's go for shopping for tomorrow's party " "Okay letssss gooooo"

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