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"Fucking hell why the fuck did I have to be alive during this fucked up time, fuck fuck FUCK" ... "wow im going insane, im fucking crazy!!" ... "all my friends are dead, my family, everyone and in result im just going insane and talking to myself! Fucking wonderful." ... "it wouldnt be talking to yourself if someone else was there" a soft voice spoke out "OK WHAT THE FUCK. AM I HEARING SHIT??" The girl stopped to look at her surroundings "nope! Im so Sorry I didnt mean to scare you" a boy with black medium length hair and glasses revealed himself

"Hello! My name is scar" he smiled and held his hand out "youre not...infected right..??" She said pointing at the scar on his face "what? Oh no dont worry this is old!" She hesitantly shook his hand "im kelbie" scar nodded "are you alone?" Kelbie nodded basically saying yes..."wanna join my group? Well, i guess its not really a group anymore, lost a few people...right now its just me and my buddy yule"

Kelbie looked at him in shock "we just met?? You arent even gonna inspect me first?!" He looked at the person in slight shock "Well it was just a kind gesture but if you wanna stay in these dark and scary woods by yourself then go for it" he put his hands up and started walking away slowly "wait..!! Im sorry.." she said holding his wrist to stop him from walking "alright, just follow me" he said with a teethy smile leading her to where he was staying

"Soo....tell me about yourself!" They looked at eachother "before all this...I worked in a McDonald's with my best friend, I had a pretty decent home, yknow enough to support me and my parents and even a small dog." Scar nodded

"what about you?" Scar sighed "well me and my buddy yule have been together since it all started, weve been friends since middle school actually, i used to work at a bar, to support myself and my cat...her name was luna but...wasnt able to save her..." he started tearing up "im sorry i didnt mean to get emotional." Kelbie looked upset for the other "im sorry that happened, dont worry things have to get better, and if they dont then fuck the person who did this" and she pulled him for a hug "thanks...oh by the way were almost there" he smiled softly, kelbie nodded

Undead all around || solar system fanfic Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat