Chapter Eleven: Loyalty test, missing daggers and Asgard Christmas event

Start from the beginning

Indie was just tidying up her bedroom and rearranging her weapons when she noticed something. When Indie was rearranging her daggers, she noticed that the one she used the most was missing. "That's weird" Indie whispered to herself. Indie then began looking all around the training room, her bedroom and every single part of the house to try and find her dagger. "What are you looking for Indie?" Loki asked his daughter. "I'm looking for my main dagger, the one that I always use. When I was rearranging my daggers, I noticed that my main one was missing and I literally cannot find it anywhere, it is not anywhere in the training room or my bedroom." Indie told her dad. "That's weird, you never lose your daggers. Here, I'll help you look for it." Loki told Indie. "Us too" everyone else told Indie. 

Ten minutes later everyone had looked everywhere, however no one would find it. "I'm going to give T.E.A.M. O.T.A. a call because I have a funny feeling my dagger has been stolen." Indie told everyone. "Hey Indie, what's up." A member of T.E.A.M. O.T.A. said as he answered the phone. "Hey Peter, I'm just calling because as I was rearranging my daggers, I realized that my main one that I always use was not there, and none of us have been able to find it. I was wondering if you could help me track it down." Indie said. "Yeah of course Indie, a couple of questions, did you see or hear anyone break into Avengers compound, have you been involved in any ambushes or have you been near anyone suspicious recently." Peter asked Indie. "No to all of those." Indie replied. "Ok thank you so much for confirming that, we will run scans to see if we can find your dagger and we will give you a call back when we have located your dagger." The team said to Indie. "Thank you so much." Indie replied. 

An hour later Indie got a call back from T.E.A.M. O.T.A. and this is how the call went. "Hey Indie, great news, we have located your dagger, it is in Stuttgart at an event, so you go ahead and create a plan to get your dagger back and when you are ready, report your plan to us so we know how we can help." "Thank you so much, talk to you soon." Indie told them. 

"Ok Indie, this is going to be your very first mission where you will have to be undercover, so what are your ideas to get your dagger back." Loki asked his daughter. "Well first of all, we need to know what type of event the person who stole my dagger is at, what the theme/dress code is, how we are going to arrive, how we are going to find the person who stole my dagger and how we are going to confront the person and get my dagger back. My guess is that whoever stole my dagger, wants to do something horrible and then make it look like I did it since they will be using my daggers, so we need to make sure that we intervene in the safest way possible before they hatch their plan." Indie told everyone. "That sounds amazing Indie, well done. Let's discuss what you have just mentioned." Everyone told Indie. 

For the next three hours, everyone was coming up with their plan and finalizing it. Once that was done, Indie gave a call to T.E.A.M. O.T.A. to tell them about their plan. "That sounds perfect Indie. See you there." A member said. "Thank you, see you there." Indie said. 

Indie and everyone else headed into the quinjet and headed off to the event, obviously making sure that they tuned on the self-reflection panels so that there was no way that anyone saw them coming. As soon as they landed, everyone got changed into their disguises and headed to the event. Once they got inside, they all split up and headed to their designated spots. Indie started to walk around and look for the person that stole her dagger. Indie's daggers were no ordinary daggers, as they emitted a blue invisible glow only Indie could see. This made it easier for Indie to find her dagger. After about fifteen minutes, Indie found the person who had stolen her dagger, however instead of just going over and confronting them, Indie paused as she saw them setting up something. "Indie what's wrong, why are you hesitating to confront them?" Loki asked Indie. "Because it looks like they are setting up, looks like they might be selling my dagger, I'm going to buy my dagger back." Indie whispered to her dad. "Good move Indie." Steve said. 

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