Prologue || Our little secret

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"Gisela, did you break that plate?" Mother asked, shaking her head and clucking her tongue, looking disapprovingly down at her daughter.

"I- was just trying to reach it," mumbled three-year-old Gisela, staring down at her feet, her shoulder length blonde hair, falling in front of her eyes, hiding the tears.

"Well, it doesn't matter now, does it?" said Mother, coldly.

Gisela looked back up and nodded.

"Sorry, Mommy," she whispered.

"Mother," her mother corrected, "And to prove you're sorry, go pick out the weeds in the garden, Gisela, I'm afraid their growing over again."

Gisela nodded, and turned towards the door.

"Are you sure about punishing the child, Minette? She is only a toddler after all," said Father's voice from behind her.

"Ah, but even toddlers have to learn the hard way," Mother answered.

Gisela's face burned as she reached for the doorknob. A hefty dash of anger coursed through her mixed with a whole bunch of fear and sadness.

Why didn't her parents get she was trying?

She tried to not slam the door as she closed it behind her, breathing in the fresh smell of the meadow, blowing in the wind.

Gisela walked over to a small patch of dirt next to rows of lilies and collapsed onto her knees.

She reached gently to one of the flowers and whispered, smiling, "How are you, Mr. Lily? And you, Mrs. Lily? What's that, you say?" she leaned into the flowers, "You want to be my Mommy and Daddy? Okay, I'd like that!"

Gisela giggled, laying down on her stomach and twiddled one of the petal, having little conversations with the only friends and family she had ever had in her whole entire life- even if they were flowers.

Gisela snapped her little fingers, conjuring up a little clay pot she made. She beamed as she said to one of the lilies, "You're proud of me, Mommy Lily? You think its pretty? I want to give it to you, I know you'll like it even if Mother doesn't."

Gisela faltered, holding the clay pot- her little play teacup.

"Maybe... we can have a tea party, Mommy Lily?"

Gisela gave out a small laugh as she pretended to pour tea into the little cup, then setting it down next to the lily.

"You have the elvin ability Conjurer, Gisela?" whispered a little, squeaky voice that was not Gisela's.

Gisela turned around, frightened, finding a little glow of light, pure golden light, twisting in turning in a sphere in front of her.

Gisela reached to touch the light as she said, "You can speak to me?"

"So, Gisela you also have the elvin ability Polygot?" the little light spoke.

"I do?" Gisela asked, confused.

"Yes," the light breathed, "You're speaking in Illiuminum, the language of the sun, no Polygot has ever been able to speak to us, interesting, especially at such a young age....."

Gisela leaned closer, "So, does that mean you'll be my friend?"

"Yes, of course I'll be your friend. But... have you told anyone you're a Conjurer?"

Gisela hesitated, twiddling her fingers and said, "I was going to tell Mother today- when I manifested.. but-"

"Don't," the light said, "We cannot tell anyone of your Conjurering, perhaps Polygoting, but not right now. For Conjurering- never."

"But... why?" Gisela asked, confused.

The light seemed to glow brighter, "Let's just keep it as our little secret, okay?"

Gisela smiled, nodding.


In the distance, thought Gisela didn't notice, a small song was being sung by the sun itself.

Oh, how one falls so easily, at so young.

Little dreamer, who doesn't know what's wrong.

What a shame she couldn't stay so innocent.

If only she passed this day, she could have missed it.

One day, even though she resists, she will become a weeper,

My little secret keeper.


Our Last Legacies - Prologue to the Petals of Gold trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now