Part 1

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Arianna splashes water unto her face, then reaches for her towel after feeling around and touching the soft material she brings it to her face and gently pats her face. as her eyes open, she comes face to face with her own reflection and in that moment, she observes her dark chocolate skin almost as if it is the first time meeting herself.

she takes a deep breath and with that leaves the bathroom feeling fresh and ready for a work, she quickly gets dressed then taking one last look in the mirror ensuring her uniform tailored perfectly to her liking is fixed, her pencil black skirt falling right above her knees and hugs her hips perfectly. Her short sleeve white blouse bottomed all the way up leaving nothing for the wondering eyes, Arianna preferred it that way. she patted her dark red lipstick one last time before jumping into her worn out kia car she got for her 18th birthday from her parents.

After a long drive to English hador with her music playing and her thought on optional rude white entitled customers come to her mind. she quickly brushes them away as she pushs the door to the well light and clean jewerly store, she had worked hard for that job remmebering how she had searched all over the town of st. Johns for a job and to her surprise no one wanted help but with 1 final bus ride to the white side of a small island someone finally said yes her boss John Harvey just polit and sweet man.

"Good morning" she sang around the floor making sure not to step in Ann's mopping or she knows she wont hear the last of it.

After gathering all her morning and unpacking the vault on her section of the floor, she then went to the back to tidy the private rooms, as she was about to head back to her section Valery a mixed light skin curly headed blonde grabs her arm and pulled her into a hug.

" Morning Arianna" she says giggling, Arianna pulls away smiling "what got you in a good mood gyal" playfully.

"Finally matched with someone on tinder" she says beggarly, Arianna rolls her eyes knowing that the newly 18 year old is obsessed with older men and loves having someone to keep her company at night.

" you need to be careful with that app and meeting new stranger" Arianna says less playfully to which Valery rolls her eyes and starts heading to the other side of the store where her section is, "but promise to tell me more later" Arianna says smiling knowing Varley could not resist Valrey did not reply but instead placed a wide smile on her face and gave her a thumbs up.


As Arianna checks out some new clients with a smile and waves them good-bye. two older gentlemen walk in, the first one has Carmel skin with dark black hair while the other has light skin almost an olive tone with light black hair.

By the way they walk and carry themselves she can tell they are wealthy and also much older than she is, just as she sees Ann is about to approach them her boss John comes rushing out of his office greeting them with bright smiles and firm handshakes and she takes in the whole interaction her eyes meet his light blue ones. As they meet it was if they could not look away, as if this invisible force is daring them to blink, the men with the blue eye gently lick his bottom lip drawing her eyes to whiver and without thought she brings her read coated bottom lip between her teeth almost as if her body is reacting on its own.

Their eye contact is broken when John ushers them to the private room in the back and that instantly confirms Arianna's idea of them being wealthy, in Arianna's world there is a difference she has learnt from working in a jewelry store. Rich and wealthy are two different thing and those men and differently wealthy, as he disappears from her line of site, she lets out a deep breath she forgot she was holding. she then clears her throat and heads to the back ready to take her lunch to get away for that handsome stranger if it is one thing that Arianna has learnt from Valrey is to not mix business and pleasure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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