"We'll order something nice, then. How's that sound?"

"I'll definitely come." Minjeong smiled amusedly.

"Oh! Let's go picnic on Sunday!" The pregnant lady suddenly voiced her idea.

"All of us! I'll call Ryujin first." She rummaged her bag to get her phone and dialed the Doctor's number right away.

Minji and Minjeong exchanged a delicate glance.

"Just do whatever she wants." Minjeong mouthed slowly earning a weak nod from Minji.

"Ryujin's in." Hanni declared.

"I'm in too."

"Well, me too. Whatever make you happy, Baby." Minji set a quick peck on Hanni's temple.

"We shouldn't keep Minjeong any longer. She has other patients."

They bid their goodbye with a warm hug. Before parted from Minji, Minjeong managed to whisper "Don't argue with pregnant lady. It gets you nowhere." Minji was certain as hell that advice would come in handy in the future.


Huh Yunjin sucked at feeling. Personally for her, there was a reason why she preferred alone. She was that kind of person who got easily bored with the same old love. Love was exciting at the beginning.

Correction: only at the beginning.

"She was the Casanova in this hospital."


"She probably had banged half of female population here."


A nod confirmed her question.

"They just willingly gave it to her?"

"Have you seen her?" The other resident shook her head.

"No human in their right mind would reject her at all cost. She's too attractive to pass on."

"Did she make a move on you?"

"Surgical resident is a big no for her. Maybe it's her way to keep her dignity. But she changed after she got married. Her wife is ridiculously pretty and sexy, I tell you. She's smart, a lawyer. Perfect."

Yunjin didn't reply. She was engaged with her mind. It had been a while since this powerful feeling came by. Maybe, it was just a silly crush — a harmless crush, so she claimed — or she hoped so. To her defense, it wasn't just her who felt that way towards Kim Minji.

Oh yes, she observed her attending very well. Physically speaking, Minji was flawless, she's tall, very pretty and she was cute. In intelligence aspect, she was brilliant at what she did. Yunjin believed that the firm unbreakable look on the outside was just a mask to hide her true soft soul inside.

"Chae, you go ahead to the cafeteria. I have to give my case to Dr. Kim first."

"Oh? Sure."

Yunjin turned to the right wing where Minji's office was located.

Honestly, her feeling started as a crush but whom was she kidding? The more she worked with Minji, the more her feeling grew. It started to worry her. She caught herself thinking about Minji every hour of every day, imagining them together having a good time.

Her infatuation developed in no time.

She was well aware to the fact that Kim Minji was a married women — to her old friend, no less.

She breathed in and out a few times to calm her nerves down. She had to get whatever feeling she felt to Minji as fast as possible. It was getting out of hands and it drove her nuts.

Arms of The Angels || Book 2 (HOME )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon