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After half an hour of working on player forms, Jonas comes to my office.

"Morning Ava, I was wondering if you wanted to come down to the pitch and watch and help me?"

He asks.

I smile and I nod.

We walk down to the pitch together and it was a sunny day out today.

"They have about an hour and a half left and you can go with them to the canteen."

"Sounds good, Jonas." i replied.

I stand next to him and watch the players take shots on goal.

I try to spot Leah and when I do, I already see her looking at me. She looks away after realizing she was caught.

I feel my face heat up and I look down in embarrassment.

Hearing loud laughter, I look up to see Katie and Alessia laughing with eachother. For some reason i dont care.

I look back towards Leah and i admire her shot that goes perfectly in the top left corner.

I clap and cheer her on. She looks at me and grins widely while blushing. We lock eyes and she gives me a small smile and i grin at her widely.

Alessia and Katie stop laughing and start muttering to eachother about something serious, i assume.

"Hey Jonas, i have a couple more things to do in my office. Im really sorry, ill go to the canteen at 12." i inform him.

"Okay Ava! See you soon."

I take one last glance at Leah and sprint up to my office.

In all honesty, I had nothing to do. I just wanted to look at them from the window in my room so that I dont make it so obvious that i might have crushes on two different players.

I peer out the window and surprisingly, i was immediately caught by a pair of blue eyes that looked hurt for some reason.

Twelve o'clock couldnt come fast enough. I wanted to ask Leah why she was looking at me like something hurt her heart.

I couldnt bear to see her like that, cause it broke my heart.

I nervously wait for 12 to come.

12:00 PM

I sprint down to the canteen at least tripping 3 times.

I enter the canteen outta breath as hell. I see Leah sitting down alone at the table. I grab some food and go up to her.

"Hey Le, whats up." i start.

"Leave me alone, Ava." she says.

"Did I do something Le? I swear ill fix it."

"No Ava, what did I do? Why'd you run off like that?" she asks

"Look its embarrassing." i reply, not wanting ti admit that i went up so that it wasnt obvious that i liked looking at her.

"Please tell me, i promise i wont judge." she says

"Fine but promise you wont laugh."


"I went upstairs so that I could look at a certain player without getting caught." i say, embarrassed and literally turning as red as the tomato on my plate.

She doesn't say anything for a good 2 minutes, so I take that as my sign to leave. Saying I was pissed was a fucking understatement.

As I turn to get out of my seat to leave, she grabs my arm and pulls me back down on top of her lap so that I was straddling her. We both blush hard as fuck.

A True Arsenal WFC ExperienceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora