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6th year.

She's looking around at everything in front of her. the notes, the books, the maps and harry is sitting with his head down on the table a slight snore coming from him. Hermione knows they are missing something but she can't- it's there right in front of her she knows it but can't figure it out.

"brightest witch of our age hmm" she mumbles about herself. ron stirs from a chair across the common room and she stills as he falls back into a deep sleep. she lets out a relieved sigh, that's not something she can deal with right now. or ever, she thinks.

she runs her hands through her hair to try and tame it down some.

a walk, fresh air, that's what she needs.

hermione walks over the the pile of coats on the back of a couch and grabs hers placing it over her shoulders. she walks back to the table and writes on a piece of paper

went for a walk, be back soon
x hermione

Hermione walks through the empty halls quietly, avoiding any communication with anyone because she simply just can't anymore. there's no other way to put it.

harry's been losing his mind it seems and his dreams and screams keep her and ron awake now. and ron, fucking ron not even noticing her at the ball. and he's been all tangled up with lavender and she just CANT.

it's too much it all is, it's going to get worse. she knows it they all know it. and she thinks maybe, if she just runs away, goes so far nobody can find her, she wouldn't have to anymore.

the cold air hits her face as she lets out a hum in content. she can breathe out here. it's not suffocating like the two boys inside clinging to her to fix everything. to fix what's going on with harry, but she's 16! she doesn't.. she cant.. she doesn't fucking know everything!

it's not their fault, she knows that, hermione has always had all the answers for everything! so surely, she can figure out why the hell voldemort is showing up in harry's head and dreams. but nothing is adding up, she can't figure it out.

and honestly, it shouldn't be up to her to do it. she's surrounded by much smarter and more experienced witches and wizards and it's like they are all looking at her, at hermione granger, to come up with the correct answer.

"fuck, i need a drink" she mumbles to herself and presses onto her temples as a headache forms. it's like she's been living with a constant chronic headache for months now.

"you look like you need a drink granger" a deep voice says and she looks up and sees him, perched up on a window sill, watching her as she's leaned against the cold wall.

hermiones noticed him of course, who hasn't despite his anger issues and his father issues. but this year, his body and face has matured more than she wanted to realize. but besides that, she's noticed more. that malfoy isn't really malfoy anymore. he doesn't necessarily bother them anymore. he's sad - sick looking all the time almost.

and of course she's noticed. because she's the same way.

"if i'm going to have to be in the same area as you malfoy, then yes probably so" she says and he lets out a chuckle before hopping down off the edge and walking towards her. she sees the bottle in his hand as he comes closer and holds it out for her, "be my guest" he slurs and she looks between him and the bottle.

"sure you're okay with my mudblood lips touching that?" she asks and he shrugs, "worse things have happened granger, go on".

so she does, she grabs the bottle of  firewhiskey and raises it to her lips and malfoy watches her every movement and his eyes flicker to her lips when they reach the bottle.

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