HELLO my name is ______ {Chapter 3}

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In a dark room, high up on a platform is Miguel. He's searching, searching about who Saiki is. He already knows he's from Earth 40096 and the information Saiki himself provided but he wants more.

He learn Saiki technically doesn't have a cannon event. Due to him changing how his world works its damn near impossible for a usual cannon event to happen. That of course being someone who's significant in your life dying. If his story would have a cannon event it would be him being in the spider society.

The Urban dictionary definition of canon event!

Cannon event :
An extremely crucial event in one's life that must happen to learn from it.
Example :
"She was just a cannon event bro"

(It's just here so there's a reason why Saiki ain't getting the Miles treatment 'm saying Saiki gon get character development by dis)

But that's pretty surface level he needs too dive deeper. He learns Saiki has an older brother, a very smart older brother but a very jealous brother. He learns that Saiki believes his parents don't love him. Well to the extent that they don't love him with the same amount that they love each other. Saiki just wants to be a normal person. 'Damn.' Miguel thought because having psychic powers and then getting new ones that you don't want. Kinda sad ngl

For hours he was looking. He was invested, Saiki's story is like no other. A psychic boy who has an exhausting school life with annoying friends, other people's thoughts constantly flooding his mind. Having dumb things happen from left to right, like when a guy made him his magic master or when some girl who thinks the world revolves around her snatches his antenna which causes all hell to break loose or how the exact same type of situation happened, completely getting rid of the ball of his antenna, forcing him to make himself wheelchair bound. Then having to save the world over and over again. Quite aggravating in Miguel's opinion..

Lyla pops up, unnoticed by Miguel as he's too focused. She crosses her arms and legs standing in a sassy pose looking unimpressed. She waited though getting interested herself. That was intill she got an anomaly alert.

"So, we sending the new guy?"

"Yeah, send him with Hobart." Miguel says without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Aye aye captain!" She smirks, side eyeing Miguel who chooses to ignore her. She takes her leave soon after


Saiki and Hobart were sent on a mission to hunt for the anomaly in Earth 50101. Saiki looks around and figures their in Mumbattan. He focuses on finding the anomaly and getting out of here but

" 'M Hobie nice ta meet ya luv." Hobie sends Saiki a flirtatious look that he can obviously see despite them both wearing masks.

Hobie makes small talk with Saiki, Saiki doesn't really mind it, surprisingly. He finds Hobie really interesting, he's very genuine with his beliefs and the way he carries himself. Saiki thinks he likes Hobie's company. Well he doesn't mind it.

They were shooting webs, swinging, and talking while on the hunt. Of course, Saiki can just use clairvoyance, take off his mask and glasses, turn the anomaly into stone, and it'll be done and over with but he decided to take it slow as for once he's enjoying his time with somebody else.

{𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘹 2} Saiki x atsvWhere stories live. Discover now