Can't catch a break {Chapter 1}

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'Today the villain, Gator or whatever started terrorizing the city so I had to go and "save the day".'

'I noticed he looked a little different and his colors seemed to have changed, not that I care anyway I just wanna go home, moms making me coffee jelly. We learned how to make it together and it's all I can think about right now. Crap I got distracted!'

Saiki teleports as Gator tries to grab him with his claws. He misses obviously. Saiki uses his webs and sticks to the walls, he jumps off from them and lands on the Gators back. He tries using his webs as some type of leash. Suddenly the Gator started glitching which causes some teleporting. Saiki reads his mind to find out more about what's happening.

'This isn't even my spider man and I'm still getting my ass beat!' - The Gator

'What? Not his Spider-Man?'

The Gator jumps up, trying his best to get Saiki off his back but ends up breaking more of the surrounding area (their in a museum). He jumps up to the second floor passing by some civilians. Gator is able to get Saiki off his back and flings him towards a bunch of stone statues of historical figures, Saiki levitates so he won't crash into them. Gator starts charging up a water blast of some sort but Saiki doges it and uses Cyrokinesis to freeze it, it leaves Gator's mouth open as he can't close it due to the ice pillar stuck in his mouth. He gets angry and pins Saiki against the wall with his claws, Saiki was going to use his mind control to get him off but he sensed something else coming.

Suddenly glowing red/orange webs grab ahold of the Gator's hand, keeping his claws from piercing into Saiki's face. Saiki looks over and sees a portal and a man coming out of it. Wait..

'Why do I hear boss music?'

The man from the portal punches the Gator with the momentum he gained from falling out of the portal. Gator gets flung back and gets buried under some debris. Saiki uses his webs to get up and look for the mysterious man, he finds him and observes him, the same red/orange webs are worn as a cape, he has sharp nails and most intriguing, an interesting watch. He watches as the web cape disappears and sees the male is also wearing a suit.

"Who are you?" Saiki's tired, he honestly couldn't care less on who this person is. He just wants to go home to coffejelly.

"That's classified."

'Im also Spider-Man.' - mysterious man

"You're another Spider-Man."

'What?! How did this kid figure it out so quickly!?'

'Cause I can read your mind moron. He's obviously not from here if the portal doesn't say anything. Do multiversus exist? That's all I can think of as an explanation if he's supposed to be another Spider-Man.'

"Im from another dimension."

"Oh ok."

"My name is Miguel O'Hara, I lead an elite strike force, dedicated to the security of the multiverse-"

'I don't care.'

Gator shoots another water blast and knocks Miguel off his feet. Saiki webs away in time so he doesn't get hit. While their fighting Miguel fills Saiki in about the whole messed up multiverse. Saiki senses more debris about to fall on people so he teleports away to go save them quickly, leaving Miguel flabbergasted.

'This kid has other powers? How the hell?'

Miguel drops it deciding to question him about it later. He jumps up and lands on the water missiles, he wraps his webs around them making them explode. Miguel gets knocked down into the floor. He hesitantly asked for back up from this hologram coming from his watch? Saiki uses his webs to once again restrain Gator, he uses his telekinesis to grab a big rock and knock it over Gator's head. Miguel watches, blatantly confused. Doesn't matter, back up's here!

A woman on motorcycle comes out of a portal and rides straight into The Gator's face. She drives off of him a drifts into a stop, she introduces herself to Saiki.

"Spider-woman." Shes says cooly.

Saiki observes her also. She has a pretty Afro, she's more in a getup than a suit. She wears yellow eye mask to conceal her identity and by the looks of it she's pregnant. Saiki stares at her pregnant stomach and looks back up at her as if asking something.

"Oh this! We don't know the sex yet. My husband wants it to be a surprise. He's such a dork. But so fine!


"Man of little words? Like ya kid!"


"Oops kinda forgot about that."

"Yeah, Yeah, we're coming!"

Saiki webs away as the woman speeds off on her motorcycle, she leaps with it and smashes on the breaks driving sideways on a wall. Saiki webs Gators eyes to keep him distracted as he reads Spider-Woman and Miguel's mind to know of their plan.

'I guess I'll help buy them sometime.'

Saiki uses his webs and kicks Gator in the face.

"What about him?" - Spider-Woman

"Maybe, he seems a bit different from other Spider-Men, I wanted to question him. He's useful." - Miguel

"Wow! The Miguel O'Hara, actually-"

"Shut up already! We're in the middle of a fight!"

Miguel jumps from her motorcycle and lands on Gator. Gator shoots a water bomb that explodes the roof off of the building. Gator uses water pressure from his hands to fly out of the building as it starts glitching. He starts climbing other buildings Godzilla style try to get Miguel off. Miguel takes off his mask, his face covered in a shadow, sharp fangs coming out as he opens his mouth looking ready to bite Gator's face off but a bright light stops him.

Saiki sees that a helicopters falling into the museum. He thinks quickly, he grabs the two guys that were in the helicopter with his webs and signals Miguel to take the two people. He uses telepathy to tell
the other spider people to start webbing up the museum, their surprised by this but do it anyway. Saiki does the same with the helicopter. He uses his telekinesis to completely stop the aircraft. He tells them to keep the hold on and stops his telekinesis. The helicopter softly drops into the webs.

Miguel sees it. This kid is smart, and he  now knows that he was definitely not tripping that the kid possess other powers that are not Spider-Man like.

Saiki backs away and takes a moment to breathe, while doing so he senses someone coming up behind him, someone familiar.

'Crap it's Teruhashi."

"Oh Spider-Man! Thank you for saving the day!" She tilts her head trying to appear cute 'Fall in love with me! I'll win yours and Saiki's heart!'

'It's sad that we're the same person, great I really can't catch a break.'

Miguel thankfully swoops in and pops this gate thing down which traps Teruhashi from getting closer.

"Hey Miguel what about the kid?"

Miguel tosses a watch at Saiki as it glitches out. Both him and Spider-Woman walk into the portal expecting Saiki to come and follow.

Which he does.

I like completely ripped off Gwen but it's whatever
Some Saiki facts!

-Saki can't see through other spider people, he figured this out when he was observing Miguel!

That's all the facts for today happy reading!

{𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘹 2} Saiki x atsvWhere stories live. Discover now