As soon as I open the door I was greeted by a cake and 3 girls yelling "congratulations!"  I cheered up a little and celebrated with my friend. We ate cake and watched TV to celebrate my victory with a little dance party.

The next day I was prepared to go to the library to study when Angela walked in my room excited and told me about her encounter with Alex.

"Who?" I asked trying to catch up with her speed because she was just a fast talker. She smiled and tried to talk slowly so I would understand.

"Alex, You might not know him but he is hot and popular. I met him at the basketball court today" She explained a little slower.

"What were you doing at the basketball court?" ocean asked walking in my bedroom with her books cuddled up on her chest. She was also coming with me to the library.

"I went with Angelic for the cheerleader tryouts. She asked me to come along since she was nervous. Anyways, Alex came to me and chatted with me!" Angela said jumping up and down in excitement.

Ocean and I exchanged looks shocked at her behaviour then looked back at her. Usually it was Angelic and Ocean who were acting like this but now it was Angela.

"Don't look at like that. I'm allowed to feel excited too" Ocean and I laughed at her comment then my phone started ringing. I went to the bathroom to answer as I saw it was my professor.

"Hello?" I said shyly and a little scared. Why would a professor be calling me on a Saturday? We had no classes.

"Oh thank goodness you answered. Can you come and see me real quick. It's important." His deep voice said on the other said making me more scared.

"Did something happen?"

"Oh it's nothing horrible. Don't worry, just come here and I'll tell you when you are here."

I hummed and he dropped the call. I walked out feeling a little uneasy. I know he said not to worry but I couldn't help it. I thought it might have something to do with the competition.

Maybe zero was the wrong answer, maybe they want to take the trophy and announce the other team as winners. I felt my heart ache  just by thinking about it. I sighed as I walked with Angela who insisted on coming with me because she wanted to tell me about Alex.

Unexpected she was quiet as she saw how tense and how scared I felt. I could tell she was worried and I wanted to tell her that I was okay but couldn't speak.

Finally I reached the stuff room and opened the door to see my professor desk right at the corner of the room. For some reason the desk was half empty and there was a big box infront of him. Was he quieting his job? The frown on his face as he was chatting with the other professor next to him told me that he didn't like what he was doing.

There were about 15 or less desk in this stuff room but there were only two professors in the stuff room. It wasn't my first time in the stuff room but it felt like a different place when it was empty. It was Saturday so most of the professor's aren't here.

I went straight to him and greeted politely. "Oh Miss Heart. I'm glad you are here. I couldn't get ahold of Eric but since you are here, I'll tell you then you can tell him." He sat down and gave me a big sigh throwing his head back on the comfortable chair.

"It seems like the director of the school didn't like the fact that we went to the competition without her permission. She said what I had made you done was unethical and unprofessional."

He sighed one more time and took out the big trophy we won at the competition. "I got fired but you two are safe. Unfortunately she didn't want to put the trophy with the other trophies as she said it was a disgrace. I was hoping maybe you and Eric would like to have it."

He paused waiting for my response and I nodded. I felt really sorry for the professor. It was not a secret that Professor liked his job. I couldn't name one student at school that didn't like him that's how good he is at his job.

"You can take it with you and maybe talk to Eric about sharing it and please... Please... Don't fight about it." He said with a smile. I think he could see that I felt sorry for him because the smile was obviously forced and wasn't Sincere.

"Oh Dee, how do you expect such a little girl to carry that on his own." The professor that was sitting next to us silently finally spoke.

He had a point though. That trophy was half my size and I definitely couldn't carry it alone.

"Aries!" My professor yelled looking behind me "come here!"

I turned my head to see a guy in a black and gold hoodie with the name of our  school written infront of it and a mask on his face. He was jogging to me and the professor slowly. I didn't even realise he was in the stuff room with us all along.

"Help her carry the trophy to her drom. That would be your punishment for the day. After that you can leave" The professor said and the guy didn't even hesitate to take the trophy and walked out.

I said "goodbye" to the professor knowing I might never see him again and followed the guy carrying my trophy.

Me and Angela followed the guy as he walked infront us. Angela couldn't stop talking about his encounter with Alex. He was praising him and blushing.

"Do you have a crush on Alex?" I asked noticing how she spoke of him.

"Yeah, I mean. I don't know much about him but he is so handsome and adorable." She answered

"But you don't even know the guy. People could be handsome and adorable and be ass holes too. Take Eric for an example. A lot of girls like his looks but he has a personality of a bulldog."

Angela laughed at my statement and shook her head.  "Well Alex isn't like that. He is the nicest person I ever met and-..." Angela didn't get to finish her sentence when we both heard the guy carrying the trophy in front of us chuckle.

We both shifted our attention to him. Was he listening to our conversation. He had headphones on so I didn't think he was listening to us.

Angela was about to say something but I interrupted her. I didn't want her to start a fight with anyone. Especially with someone helping me with such a big trophy. What if he leaves it there. What would we do.

"And? Alex is nice and what?" She shifted her attention to me and smiled thinking of what she was going to say.

The rest of the way we spoke  only of Alex untill we finally reached the drom. I showed the guy where to place the trophy and just like that, he went off.

I texted Eric about the trophy but he said I should keep it and so I did. I placed it in the living room where everyone can enjoy it's views. It was now our trophy.

I looked at it as I felt really sorry for the professor. He didn't deserve being fired and it wasn't like we lost. We won so what was wrong with this school. Ugh. I was so pissed off.


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