Chapter 2

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the story contains sex,alcohol,violence and mental health problems NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE SENSITIVE

" DAPHNE YOU ARE HERE " Effie screams " Effie " I say and hug her tightly " you have to be a Slytherin, we have to share a room " Effie says " I'm a slytherin hat say it already " I say and smile "omg omg I have to meet everyone " Effie says and takes my hand and leads the Slytherins table " Hey everybody " Effie says " who is the new girl " some girl says " oh guys this is my Twin sister Daphne" Draco says " and here are my girl wives Pansy and Astoria " Effie Says " maybe I'll eat you alive pretty girl " pansy says and we start laughing " and then there are the borings once" Effie says " and Theo " Enzo says " you must be Theo " I say and look at the boy next to me " That's Theodore for you " Theodore says " have you girl problems or why you are so cranky " I'm asking " shut up new girl" Theodore says "That's Daphne for you " I say " it doesn't matter " Theodore says " that dude is a pain in my ass " I say and laugh " Daphne, what class do you have " Effie asks "I have ancient runes " I say "I don't have the same lesson" Effie says "we can go together" Enzo says "thanks Enzo." I say
we with Enzo to the first class
" who is sitting next to you " I'm asking "Just sit down " Enzo says
I sit next to Enzo " hey little whore it''s my place" Theodore says "sorry what "I say "you heard " Theodore says "yeah and I will not avoid whores are not interested in the opinion of the dick" I say "bitch" Theodore says and sits behind Enzo " Daphne don't make theo angry" Enzo whispers "what does Theodora have anger management problems" I whisper to Enzo "you'll regret sometimes that you didn't listen" I just ignore what Enzo said and focus on the lesson Mom wouldn't like it if I made a mistake on the first day haha

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