Chapter 18. Cursed

Start from the beginning

The sweet Luna winks at me before she pushes the door open to the kitchen and what I was about to ask drowns in the busy noise and delicious aroma of the kitchen.

I follow her in with my life flashing before my eyes.

Kyra is quite joyful at the prospect of completing the mating bond with Viggo and possibly going lame for days.

This stupid mate bond is turning my wolf into a one-minded ho.

It’s damn impossible to get the image of his perfect body out of my mind. Kyra would love to climb him like a tree. If I have my way about it I’m gonna chop that tree down.

The smell of rich venison and vegetable stew, freshly baked bread rolls, and boiling potatoes makes my stomach grumble.

“By the Gods, it smells amazing!”

Clare smiles happily and heads over to a pantry coming out with an armful of jars which she places on a clear bench.

“We didn’t have much time to prepare for your arrival, luckily our wolves caught a young buck last night. I’ve got a good stock of preserved peaches to make a quick cobbler for dessert.”

I nod and remember what Genesis said about this pack. Compared to Arden Valley pack house this one is about half the size and certainly less opulent, but it is clean and warm and Clare moves around with pride as she sets out the ingredients to make the peach cobbler.

“Let me help, I’ll make the pastry,” I say and grab the bowl of flour from her.

Clare frowns, “Please no, you are my guest.” She moves to take the bowl from me which I hold out of her reach.

“I’m quite capable in the kitchen and I would love to help. Please don’t make me stand here watching you.”

Clare nods with a grateful smile and I place the bowl on the table. As we work together to make the cobbler Clare chats away like she’s known me for years.

“Do you always cook for the pack?” I ask her as we prepare the last tray of cobbler.

“Yes. I love baking. At first, Bryce didn’t want me to, we have enough omegas to do the job but the fact is I love cooking. My home pack was much larger than this one and my father was quite strict. He considered it beneath my station to be in the kitchen.” Clare opens the oven and I carry the first cobbler shoving it in.

“But I loved the kitchen, the sweet and spicy scents. I sneaked in whenever I could.”

She dusts her hands on her apron and smiles at me.

“The great thing about being a Luna is you can define your role and shape it to fit you. Thank you for helping Quilla, you should go and get ready for dinner, we will be having a pre-dinner pack prayer in honor of you and King Viggo at our moon temple which is at the back of the pack house.”

That does sound formal. I look down at my jeans and T-shirt and then at Clare’s pretty dress. Neo did say this was a traditional pack, I guess dressing for dinner is one of those traditions.

“Yeah, um, guess I should change. Thanks Clare, I can’t wait for that cobbler.” She surprises me by drawing me into a hug which I return in reflex feeling more relaxed than I have in days.

I head out of the kitchen finding my way easily to the stairs, stopping as I notice a beautiful dark-haired she wolf leaning against the rail.

Dressed in a lovely flowing green dress which matches her vivid eyes she smiles and bows as I approach. It’s a smile I know instinctively is as disingenuous as whatever her reason for being here is.

I just know she’s waiting for me. Kyra goes on instant alert and I nod at the female as I pass her going up the stairs and note how her eyes scan over my jeans and T-shirt with disdain, her lips pursing.

I’m on the third step when she speaks.

“You do know you’re cursed. All you Crystal Moon she-wolves are. Mating the Alpha King is going to end his line. You should do the right thing and reject him. Leave him for a female who can give him a male heir. A real Queen, who cared about the future of all wolves would.”

Ice runs through my veins freezing me where I am on the stairs. When I finally get my wits together I turn to find the she wolf gone.

Leaning against the stairwell wall I clutch my fist against my chest closing my eyes, cold sweat breaking out across my body.

It’s not the first time I’ve heard those words. I just always thought they were just the words of a mad wolf. I never thought there was any truth to them.

Cain’s hate-filled voice echoes and repeats in my head as I slip down the wall, shaking.

Cursed bitch.

Cursed bitch.

Cursed bitch.

My fists clench in my hands. claws digging deep into my palms as unstoppable terror shakes me to my bones. Frozen where I am my name being called falls like a faint whisper in my ears.

Strong arms pick me up off the floor and as soon as I smell the familiar warm scent I tuck myself into his chest and sob.



The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENWhere stories live. Discover now