the start! (character, introduction!)

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I was crying tears of frustration, when I got that call, no one had told me about what had happened to my childhood best friend, I was in utter shock and discomfort waiting in the hospital chair, to be told if he was okay or not.

My best friend Harry Judd, was partially paralysed, laying in the bed, i was uncomfortable camping out on the hospital seat, "Has Mr.Judd got any family in this waiting room?" the small brunette nurse called out, "Um, no but i'm like family! Were so so utterly close I promise" the nurse stared at me, a bitchy look on her face "Sorry sweetheart, but i asked for his family, are they not here?" she looked at me again questioning everything I told her.

"um, no not yet." I hung my head to look back down at the floor, as the nurse scuttled off into his room. I wait, and wait for what seems like hours. "You're not in his band are you? He's asked for his band mates." I look back up at the same small nurse, who's looking down on me. "Band? Harry doesn't have a band..." I said to myself. "He does actually, love." a brunette lad said, looking at me.

"Danny that's a bit rude, don't be like that then." said another guy who was just utterly stunning.
"cmon Doug, let's go see harry." then another lad got up, from behind following the other two "band mates" I stopped and hesitated for a second. "I'm in the band, can I also go in?" I looked at the nurse with a smile larger than a cheshire cat. "If you're in the young man's band, then go ahead." She said plopping herself back onto her desk.

I almost sketch into the room that Harry's in. The boys i previously met are all standing around his bed. "Mate how'd this happen again?" Danny laughs whilst prodding at Harry's leg, I stand for awhile and quietly watch them laugh about Harry's accident. "O wh, Danny let it go, i fell helping a girl okay? I thought you knew all this." Harry says wiggling his eyebrows.

"You sure "she" was a girl?" asks the other blonde lad, "I mean, if she had boobs that makes her a girl right?" Harry says finally noticing me standing in the corner of the room, "Steph! Come over here, meet the band, "McFly"! I think you'll all get along great."
Danny turns around to look at me "Oh great, you know her?" he asks, as I walk over to Harry. "Oh Danny leave the poor girl alone, I'm Tom by the way, this is Danny," Danny just smiles at me, with a cheesy grin, Tom laughs. "and this is Dougie, he's the baby of the band" he looks at Dougie, with another laugh.

"Oh well, hello! I'm Stephanie, but call me Steph." I smile back, walking closer to the band. Tom laughs again, before smiling. "It's very nice to meet you Steph, how old are you? How do you know Harry?" Tom, asks like fifty questions, it was quite hard to wrap my head around it all. "Well, um, me and Harry are Childhood best friends, we've known each other since babies basically. And um, Im 16!" I say with a smile.

"and he's not told you he's in a band?" Danny looks at me again, with a confused look on his face. "Danny, relax man, we're still basically a new band." Dougie says shaking his head. "Well like, I know now!" I say with a dramatic sigh. Tom gives Danny a head shake, signalling him to shut up, he just shrugs in response. "Anyways, Harry are you alright mate?" I ask him before walking a bit closer to his bed.

"I'm the best you'll get Steph, obviously. You're here now, I don't need these useless people waiting around on me." he smiles at me looking at the rest of the boys standing around us. Tom blurts out and laughs hysterically. "Oh you're funny you know, that's the best joke I've heard!" he says laughing again. "Yeah funny looking." Danny says with a little cough at the end, he makes me laugh this time, he looks over at me and joins in on the laughing.

Poor Dougie just stands there confused, before long, we all get a bit hungry, "Hey Steph, if you go over to my short pockets there's twenty pounds in the pocket, take the money and get us something nice will you?" Harry asks me with the pleading eyes, I do as he says taking the money out of his pockets before rushing out of the room, I leave the door slightly open so I don't have to embarrass myself by knocking.

When I'm finally walking back up the stairs, to Harry's ward with the food, I slow my pace to listen and see if they're telling any gossip to each other.
The door hasn't got any glass panels, and it's surprisingly still open from when i left.

"I really dig that chic, you know that?" Tom says before quietly putting his head down. "I mean, she's super, I think we've all taken a liking to that girl." Dougie chimes in, "I told you guys she's amazing, didn't I? She's great, I knew you'd all like her!" Harry beams with pride, at the fact his band mates actually like me. "Danny you haven't said a word mate, what do you think of Steph?" Tom asks Danny who's standing with his hands in his pocket. "Yeah, she's whatever, she's pretty cool, I'd like to get to know her, she-" I cut him off by walking into the hospital room.

"Yay you're back!" Harry smiles, as I hand him his change from the money he gave me. "Thanks Steph, you're a true life saver." I just giggle at his response.
I hand the stuff over to the boys, and they take it. "Aren't  you not going to have any then Stephanie?" Danny asks looking at me, before I Throw him a dirty look, he laughs at me. "I'm just playing Steph, I won't call you that again, okay?"

He actually had a pretty decent humour, I could tell I was going to like Harry's friends, plus i was able to pick out reasons I liked them! But barely knowing them slowed it all down. "I mean I would but i'm not really hungry, yknow?" I look over to the ready-made sandwich's on the bed. "Cmon there's nothing to be ashamed about Steph," said Tom as he looked over at me with a smile, I smiled back. "I'm pretty sure it's safe to say you'll be friends with us in no time."

By the time i knew it, it was all time to go home, I did feel upset, but Harry was getting dispatched soon! That was good, the boys invited me to see them rehearse in their band houseI agreed to go, I mean I'm their friend now why not?

I hugged Harry goodbye, before saying goodbye to all of his friends, they were all loud when they got together by the looks of it. "I'll see you when Harry gets out, right?" Tom asked me, I took a liking to him pretty quickly, he was funny, clever and sweet not to mention was he gorgeous. "I mean, if my mum allows it then of course!" I smile, he smiles back.

"it's been really nice getting to know you, we don't know many girls..other than our own mums and sisters.." Danny steps on Dougies foot. "Ow! Hey!" Dougie said hitting danny a punch into the arm, Tom just shakes his head. I laugh, at what dougie said. "It's been amazing getting to know you all too." Dougie barely said a word, but i knew that once I got to know him he'd talk up a storm.

"Goodbye then, see you soon 'right?" Danny said with a smile before waving me off. I could tell Danny was a more flirty character than the rest, I liked that about him. I'll see you all soon, oh wait!" I take a piece of paper from the bedside table, and scribble my phone number onto it four times, before taring off a piece for each of the boys.

With one last group "Goodbye" I leave the room of boys, I could tell already we'd be life long friends, I was happy enough to finally meet Harry's other friends.

I knew we'd like being friends, just by the couple
of hours I spent with them today.

The end! ☺️

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