Chapter 4: Stargazing

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Urbosa looked at the controls in the main terminal, she could see the scan of the area an immediately located the monster camp. Purah laughed, "Perfect timing! Lady Urbosa, go ahead and test this bad girl out!"

Urbosa smiled as she piloted the divine beast to approach the camp. "Don't you worry. They will soon taste the fury of the Gerudo." Urbosa assured everyone.

As Vah Naboris was positioned in range, everyone went over to the railing to observe. Sage could hear the electricity humming across the powerlines. She couldn't see it but the metal rods on Vah Naboris's humps were charging the electricity before she heard it being shot directly at the camp. Lightning truck from the sky and unto the ground followed by the sound of thunder. Everyone gasped in awe as they watched all the monsters burn to a crisp before disappearing in a purple smoke. Not a single monster was left alive.

"EUREEKAAAAAA!" Robbie yelled as Purah exclaimed, "Alright! Now THAT is what I'm talking about!"

After all was set and done, it was time to head back to Kara Kara Bazaar. Urbosa piloted the divine beast and set it down a safe distance from the bazaar. Everyone sat down for dinner at sunset, later heading inside for the day while some decided to stay awake longer and switched to warmer clothes.

Sage was now sitting down on the big rock formation overlooking the oasis. Her legs were stretched out in front of her as she sat resting her weight on her arms behind her.

Robbie walked up to her and announced his presence even though Sage had heard his footsteps approaching. "Oh hey," she greeted him as her vision remained glued to the night sky. "Mind if I join ya?" he asked. "Of course not," she responded as he sat down next to her. Sage furrowed her eyebrows as she heard the ruffling of fabric as he sat down, making her look at him.

He had a large blanket, provided by the Hylian soldiers, wrapped around him. This gained a laugh from Sage. "You look like a huge muffin," she teased. "C'mon don't blame me. It's as cold as Mount Hylia right now!" he laughed along.

"What are you doing out here? It's late. You'll catch a cold," she asked Robbie, still laughing.

"I was going to ask you the same thing until I figured you'd be stargazing. You can't see the stars back home because of how bright the town is. Out here they can be seen much clearly," he answered.

Sage was surprised he had remembered such a small detail about her. A random night back at the tech lab, he had found her stargazing on the roof. She told him how she could barely see any stars in the night sky like she did back in the desert. She also admitted she was a bit homesick too. Her heart was filled with warmth at his words.

She randomly got chills running down her spine, something she assumed was her body reassimilating itself with the desert weather as she had spent an ample amount of time away from it.

"Wanna become part of the muffin?" Robbie asked. She turned to him and saw him hold a part of the warm blanket open to allow her to sit right next to him. She gave in, scooching to sit right beside him as she wrapped half of the blanket around her. She sighed as she felt the soft fabric of the blanket and the warmth radiating from Robbie.

They both observed the night sky full of bright stars in a comfortable silence. Robbie felt a blush appear on his face due to the proximity, but was able to keep himself composed, hoping Sage wouldn't notice it in the dark.

"Hey, that's Orion isn't it?" Sage asked out of the blue while pointing out at a constellation. "Yup, and that's Ursa Major over there," he said as he pointed out the constellation in a different direction. Robbie enthusiastically pointed out a few other constellations for Sage to admire.

Suddenly Sage gasped, "A shooting star!" she said as she pointed to where she had seen it, but Robbie was unable to see it in time. He wasn't disappointed for long as many other shooting stars crossed the sky. They were witnessing a meteor shower.

Robbie's heart swelled as his nerdy self watched the scene excitedly. After a moment though, he felt his goggles weren't letting him appreciate the natural phenomenon to the fullest, so he took them off without a second thought. It's not everyday one can witness a meteor shower.

Now, with his full face in plain sight, the faint blue glowing of his guardian eye caught Sage's attention. She quickly checked her surroundings, making sure no one was around to see him. Robbie being transfixed looking at the sky, didn't notice Sage's eyes on him.

Robbie was in complete awe as his face was relaxed with a soft smile. Sage was used to seeing Robbie's face filled with excitement or concentration, as well as an amusing dread whenever he had to deal with Purah's antics. It was rare to see him so at peace.

She silently observed his eyes as they both reflected the bright streaks left by the meteors. She also observed his tranquil smile as she couldn't help but think that he looked quite handsome this way. Looking at him was like looking at the constellations in the sky.

Sage blushed faintly at the thought as she felt butterflies flutter in her stomach. Was she falling for him? She turned her head away from him and back to the sky as she got flustered a bit more at the thought, hoping he didn't notice her blush. All of the nightly classes about love taught by the Gerudo did not prepare her enough for a moment like this one.

What she didn't notice though was that Robbie started staring at her shortly after, noticing the shine of the meteors being reflected in her eyes and her circlet. Her curls gently flowed behind her in the wind as he wished he could run his hands through them.

She subconsciously licked her lips as she felt them getting dry due to the cold air. This immediately snapped his attention to her lips. They looked so kissable. What would they taste like? Wildberries perhaps? Robbie knew she loved them as it was a sweet fruit that thrived in the tundra, something hard to come across in her homeland.

He sighed, gazing back to the sky. He didn't know why he was even thinking about kissing her when he doesn't even know how to kiss. He's never even kissed anyone in his life. He really needed to get his act together.

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