Back to the past....(pt2 of y/n's back story)

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*Y/n and Officer Alex then walks into the room*

*Y/n then sees there dad in a hospital bed with machines and wires attached to him, y/n was confused and worried about there dad*

Y/n: Daddy? Why are there wires all over you?

Y/n's Dad: Come here y/n, i need to tell you something....

Y/n then walks up to there fathers bedside to hear what he has to tell them*

Y/n's Dad: Listen Y/n, I'm not gonna be around much longer and i won't be here anymore to take care of you....

Y/n: Why?

Y/n's Dad: Remeber how you me and mommy went to go run and all of a sudden i fell on the ground? Do you remember hearing a loud noise? Like a bang?

Y/n: Yeah, it was really loud!

Y/n's Dad: Well someone shot me with a gun, a very bad person hurt me

Y/n: Why did the bad person hurt you?

Y/n's Dad: and mommy had borrowed something from the bad person, me and mommy tried to talk to the bad person if they can wait but the bad person didn't listen

Y/n: Where is mommy? She promised me that she would be with me when i ran but wasn't. I wanna see mommy!

Y/n's Dad: Y/n...i'm sorry but you'r mother isn't here anymore....

Y/n: But mommy said that she wouldn't leave me! She promised me!

*Y/n started to get confused/Mad. Y/n didn't fully understand the concept of death that much since they were little*

Y/n's Dad: Hey it's ok sweetie! But you need to calm down so i can explain something to you

*Y/n starts to calm down even though there clearly mad/worried about there mother*

Y/n's Dad: Have you heard of something called death before?

Y/n: Yea

Y/n's Dad: Well....once someone dies they don't come back..after someone passes on they go to a place called Heaven..(If you guys believen in heaven or don't it's up to you because everyone has different believes) after when your mother told you to run she got killed by the bad person, the hospital tried everything to bring her back but couldn't....i'm sorry y/n....

*Y/n then started to understand and connect the dots, they wondered why they heard a bang noise and a thud behind them after there mom told them to run and not look back, and they realized that the bad person had killed there mother and injured there father. Y/n starts to cry are reality hits them about the situation*

Y/n's Dad: Y/n....look at me

*Y/n looks up at there dad while tears are rolling quickly down there face*

Y/n's Dad: I'm not gonna be here much longer, and i'm so sorry that me and mommy have to leave you alone, please know that me and mommy tried our best to do what's best for you and i know we didn't have the best life for you as you started to grow up but please know that me and your mother have tried to make the best for you, when you get older then you'll understand what happened.....when i pass on please know that me and mommy will be watching over you....

*Y/n starts to cry, all of this was way too overwhelming for them. There's so much to take in and cope with at the moment to the point it gets them to start having a small mental break down, Y/n and Officer Alex stayed in the hospital for the next 2 hours so that Y/n could spend there Dad's last hour together, Y/n then sees there Dad stop talking all of a sudden and his body goes limp and a machine starts to make a ringing noise, all of a sudden a bunch of nurses and doctors rush in and Officer Alex quickly starts to get Y/n out of the room. As Y/n was getting rushed out by Officer Alex Y/n saw the nurses and doctor's pushsing down on there dad's chest, Y/n was scared, they didn't want there dad to die, they didn't want to be alone, they were scared*

Y/n: Is Daddy gonna be ok?! What's going on?!

Officer Alex: I don't know.....will have to see after the doctor walks out....

*Y/n and Officer Alex waited outside the room patienly, Y/n started to feel scared and nervous about what was going on and confussed. 10 minutes later the doctor walks out of the room and walks up to Y/n and Officer Alex*

Officer Alex: How is he? Is he ok?

Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss, we tried everything we could....

Y/n: What does that mean?!.....

*Officer Alex kneels down in front of Y/n*

Officer Alex: It means that your Dad isn't here with us anymore, he past on....I'm so sorry Y/n....

*Y/n then starts to cry, none of this feels real to them, it all feels like a horrible nightmare that they wished they can wake up from....what caused this bad person to kill there parents?....What there parents do so bad to the point they deserved to die?.....*

Officer Alex: How about i take you into the station? You can see other Police Officers just like me and will get you some food ok?

*Officer Alex and Y/n leave the hospital and head to the Police Station, when they get there and get inside they give Y/n a sandwish with a juice box with it too, Y/n wasn't hungry but knew that they haven't eaten in a few hours so they ate the sandwish and drank the juice box, after they finished there food and drink Officer Alex then had Y/n follow him into a room where there was a lady, she had a clip bored with a piece of paper on it and holding a pen, Y/n sat down and the lady asked her a few questions, it was questions about there parents. After 30 minutes of the lady asking questions the lady then took Y/n with her, they drive up to a house and the lady gets out and helps Y/n out of the car. They walk up to the door and knock on it and a lady answers it and the lady who brought her there had her go inside and leafted, The lady who opened the door then closed the door and showed Y/n a huge bedroom where there were other girls in that were asleep on there own bed, Y/n then gets set up and goes on there bed. Y/n tries to sleep but can't, all they can do is cry from the events that had happened today*

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