The Glitch?

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*Ragatha and Pomni hurry off to go find Caine immediately*

*while they go and find caine y/n is being throwen around all over the place in the hallway, its causing the glitch worse and worse to the point y/n starts to glitch through the walls badly and then all of a sudden y/n gets stuck in the wall due to how glitchy they are, y/n ends up getting scared and starts to give up on hoping of a way out*

*in mind*
y/n: so this is? there really no way out? i really not gonna see my friends or family ever again?......wait a minute.....why should i care about seeing my so called "family"?....its there faults as to why i ended up here......i only arrived here about maybe a few days ago?....its hard to tell as to how many days or maybe even months ive been i really gonna give up and let myself abstract?.....i mean at least ill go peachfully right?.....well i guess this is the about to die....sorry jax, ragatha, pomni....i guess i really am a failure like my family says.....

*as y/n was about to abstract they all of a sudden were spawned by the stage, y/n opens there eyes out of confusion, y/n sees that they were teleported by the stage and saw ragatha, pomni, and jax with a worried expression, y/n then realizes that there not glitching as bad as before, but they were glitchig slighly but not to bad. Caine then speaks up*

Caine: mind telling me on how you guys found that damn key to unlock that secret door?!

Ragatha: Caine i sorry i-

y/n: im sorry Caine....i been trying to see if there was a way out.....i just wanna leave so badly......

Caine: *sigh* its ok y/ just a little upset on the fact that you found that key and used it....there was a reason as to why it was at the bottom of the digital lake....that hidden door you unlocked is another way to the cellur where all the abstracions are at......that key you found was extremly glitched and wouldnt let me get rid of it at i threw it in the digital lake.....and since you touched it and got attacked by a abstraction you now have a permanent glitch that i cant just snap away or fix....lucky if you touch anyone they wont glitch

y/n: is there anything we can do for the glitching?! i cant stay like this!

Caine: im afraid sorry......

*after that y/n started to stay in there room, a few hours later ragatha pomni and jax started to knock at y/n's door but to no answer. Jax then unlocks y/n's door angerily*

Ragatha: jax i dont think we should just barge in....i think y/n needs more room if anything right now....

Pomni: yea jax....

Jax: and what if they abstract?! then we wont have another hand to help us find a way out!

Ragatha: ja-

Jax: instead of them staying in there damn room being depressed all the dang time and actually start helping again that wou-

*ragatha then grabs jax by the shoulders and turns him around to make him face her*

Ragatha: Jax! There is no exit and there will never be! you just have to accept it!

Jax: No! theres has to be a way out! i can just feel i-

Ragatha: Jax we've been here for years! dont you think we would've be out of this dump awhile ago?!

Jax: But you never know if we're missing something that could help us escape!

Ragatha: Like what exactly?!

*jax then quickly opens the door and walks in, y/n is in the cornor of there room and jax sees them and he angerliy stroms up to y/n and firmly grabs there shoulder*

Jax: instead of being locked up in your room depressed how about you help us find a way out maybe?!? and i get that your upset that we havent found a way to leave because everyone has been in the same spot but maybe if you helped that we could lea-

*y/n turns there head towards jax and jax facial expression changes from angry to in complete shock and fear, y/n was partly abstracted on there face and y/n was horrfied*

y/n: please help.....i dont know what to do....

*jax then lets go of y/n's shoulder and slowly starts to back up until his back hits the wall*

y/n: no wait!.....please don't scared....i-i dont know what's going on with me......
*y/n is horrfied rn since there having mixed emotions between giving up or believeing theres a way to leave*

Ragatha: Jax?! whats taking so lon-

*as ragatha walks in with pomni they see that y/n is partly abstracted, ragatha and pomni cover there mouths in fear and worry for y/n*

Pomni: im gonna go fine caine!...maybe he can do something! *pomni runs out of the room and down the hallway to try and find Caine leaving Ragatha and Jax in the room is y/n*

Y/n: please help.....i dont wanna die.....

Ragatha: Please try to hang in there! Pomni went to go find caine....hopefully he's able to help.....

Jax: But Caine said that once someone is abstracted that he can't do anything?!

Ragatha: shut up Jax! you're just gonna make the situation worse for y/n!

Y/n: am i gonna die?.....

Ragatha: i.....I dont know.....but it doesnt hurt to try and talk to caine and see if he can do something.....

Jax: Hes not gonna be able to help her! shes already abstracted! Once someone is abstracted they can't come back from that!

Ragatha: Jax you only making it worse!

*y/n then starts to zone out, ragatha and jax arguing starts to fade and there ears begin to ring, then they start to remember flashbacks of there family and how they ended up in the digital world*

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