The Morning

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The day was bright and shining, everyone was doing their usual business. One can hear the sound of the road form the apartment room in which the brunette was about to uncover the consequences of the previous dauntless night.

Hermione's Apartment

She could feel the sunlight escaping through the curtains of her room and grace her into a new beautiful day. Her body was coming back to sense and she could still feel the tiredness from the previous night. As she was coming back from her sleep she could feel some weight around her torso.

Wait!!! She live all alone in her apartment. The weight could be Crookshanks but something was telling her that this was not it. She is startled to see that it was a hand belonging to a pale muscular body lying next her. She turns around to get the worst scare of her life.

At first she just saw a pale muscular body lying next her, actually cuddling her. He was still sleeping. She can see the steady breaths on his chest, a well toned chest. But she lost all the color on her face when she saw the face of the body. He was THE Draco Malfoy, the sly Slytherin who made her life hell, her arch nemesis. She feels slight nausea from the shock she just received. Her panic was not left unnoticed by Draco as he wakes up only to notice a shocked brunette lying with her.


The room was still echoing the shrieks of the occupants. Hermione came back from the shock only to notice that both are not wearing appropriate amount of clothing to be next to each other. She is still trying to process what is going on and becoming more aware about her surroundings. She can find clothes scattered on the floor. She quickly grabs then make a run towards the bathroom.

On the other hand Draco is rather calm about the situation. He seems to have his memories of last night. He grabs his clothes from the floor and puts them on. He is still sitting on the side of Hermione's bed waiting for her to comeback.



What do you will happen next? How will Hermione react to this? Do you think that they got papped?

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