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Eva startled awake with a gasp when someone touched her arm. She settled when her eyes finally focused, finding Miles smiling down at her.

"What are you doing all the way up here, silly?" he asked, letting his hand run along the length of her arm. He pulled her blanket up higher around her shoulders when he noticed the goosebumps. "We've been looking everywhere for you."

"I must've fallen asleep," she whispered, sitting up, but keeping the blanket around her shoulders.

She turned her head towards the stairs when she heard footsteps. Pierce and Graham appeared and she relaxed.

"Hey, Evie," Graham greeted, sitting down next to her, but keeping his distance. "Are you feeling okay?"

She peeked up at him, considering telling them that she was fine, but she realized that he already knew everything she was going to say.

She moved from the couch to the floor, patting the spaces next to her so that they could fill in.

"I'm okay," she said. She glanced up at Pierce. She wanted him to comfort her. She wanted him to wrap his arms around her like he did the other day.

"Come here," Pierce said, holding his arms out. She took a deep breath, moving so her legs were on either side of his own legs. He took her hands before she could wrap them around his back, setting them higher up on his shoulder blades.

She settled, pressing her cheek to his chest.

"You didn't eat dinner," Pierce said, letting his fingers run along her spine. It was soothing, and she let the quiet soak in.

"I just wish I could feel normal," Eva admitted, muffled by his shirt. "I can't even function right."

"You haven't been here that long. You're still adjusting," Graham said. "You still finished the pie, didn't you?"

She nodded.

"That's a huge accomplishment," Miles said. "You should be proud of yourself. You could have left as soon as Logan entered, but you didn't. If you keep working at it, you'll be eating dinner in the dining room in no time."

"You think so?" she whispered.

"We know so," Graham said.

Eva went to move her hands lower, but Pierce tensed.

"Please don't," he said, voice quiet in her ear.

There was a sickening feeling of understanding that turned her stomach.

"You were hurt," she said.

"Same as you," Pierce admitted. He looked up, catching Miles' pained gaze.

"Pierce," Miles said, unsure of him starting down that path. None of them ever liked to talk about what happened to them. Miles in particular hated it because Pierce had always willingly let himself be hurt, in place of him.

"Tell her," Pierce said to him.

Miles sighed. "The male leader of our group home always thought I was pretty. He started touching me inappropriately, saying he needed the relief. Pierce told him that he would let him do anything to him in place of me."

Eva shuddered, the churning in her stomach getting worse. He was just a child, being preyed on by an older man. It was sickening.

"Did he ever-?" Eva asked Pierce.

"No, he didn't like me in that way. He just liked to punch me, kick me, hit me with the belt, all of it."

"You could've avoided all of it if it weren't for me," Miles said quietly.

"We ran away soon after that," Pierce said. "I would do it again, Miles. I love you. I never want to see you hurt."

Pierce extended his arm and Miles moved closer. Eva didn't mind. She quite liked the lack of space, surprisingly.

"The orphanage sent me out to work for a man in exchange for money when I was thirteen," Eva said after a few moments of silence. She had never told anybody that before, but she felt like she could.

"And then what?" Miles asked.

"I thought by the time I was sixteen that I would be free, but the man made me stay. He sold me at my first auction."

"Fucking hell," Graham mumbled from behind her.

She turned to look at him. He reached up to touch her face.

"The three of you are incredible," Graham said. "so strong and resilient, and absolutely beautiful."

"It's your turn, Graham," Pierce said.

Graham sighed, and Eva moved into his embrace. The movement was natural, and she was surprised at how quiet her mind was being after such an evening of turmoil.

"You don't have to," Eva whispered.

"My dad used to beat me up. I'm pretty sure he killed my mom, but I could never prove it."

As selfish as it was to admit, it was comforting to have them understand her pain. She had always felt so alone, carrying the burden of her horrible life all on her own. She no longer had to do that.

"That pie looked pretty amazing. Why don't I go downstairs to see if there is any left?" Graham asked, letting his lips brush over her forehead.

The affection made her feel warm, and she fought back the way her lips automatically wanted to curl up.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What, this?" he teased, kissing the same spot. "Do you not like my kiss?"

Eva settled back down against him, feeling a little bit lighter.

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