
Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah bye don't be late " she said hanging the call on my face before I could even reply leaving me dumbfounded.

"Bitch"I mumbled going to our chats .


Me:Hoe why u end the call on my face
like that 😑

Rayaa👅:Because 😘

Me:U ain't funny but anyways
I'm coming rn 😁

Rayaa👅: js know once u get
here ur helping me install my wig as well


Rayaa👅:I love you too
Loved by you

I exited the chat shaking my head at how she pulled the reverse card on me .

I guess that's the least I can do since she's helping me as well.

I took my purse and put everything I was gonna need inside it double checking if I left anything .

I put my coat on and closed the door behind me making my way downstairs.

"Heyy Nana" I said going up to her to hug her .

"Heyy baby, where you going ?".

"I'm going to Nafessa house to do my nails . I'll comeback to get ready though." I said receiving a head nod

"Have fun and tell my baby I said hi " she said referring to Nessa as I made my way to the front door unlocking it .

"I will grams " I said opening the door and making my way outiside .

"BE SAFE OUT THERE " I heard her scream once again .

"Don't worry Nana I will " I said poking my head through the door , smiling at her then closing it behind me and locking it .

I unlocked my car  door making my way inside it and  putting my purse on the passenger seat .

"Lemme call Takevion " I mumbled to myself  as I put my seatbelt on turning on my car .

I stuck my phone on the phone holder and clicked on Tk number .

"Heyy big bro watchu doing " I said once I heard the call connect as I drove out of the spot the car was parked in .

"Hey Serenity" I heard someone who didn't sound like Takevion say .

"Huh , Sincere is that you" I said taking a quick glance at the phone .

"Yeah sis how ya doing " he said eating some red takis .

"I'm good what ab-LIL NIGGA GET HERE " I heard Takevion voice in the background scream cutting me off and making me jump a bit.

"Sincere what's going on there " I said putting one eyebrow up .

"Uhm well..." he said switching the camera around to show little Remi running around with his diaper only on , while Takevion chased him around the house .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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