Chapter 17: Treasure

Start from the beginning

The chef laughed back at her banter and couldn't help but think that the nickname sounded much better coming off her lips than the ones that usually said it. Good thing he wasn't here right now... That brought a thought to his head. "Hey, Nami. What do you think Mossball and Luffy are up to?".

The orange-haired girl froze in place. She'd completely forgotten about them. Nami recovered herself slowly and her steps continued. What the hell were those two doing right now? She didn't know exactly when they'd arrived on the small island but she was sure it was well before her and Sanji. Just where the hell were they? She'd told them where the entrance was! She'd even shown them the map! "Honestly, I don't even really know and I can't even begin to guess.", the girl huffed in annoyance, "Those two idiots...".

"You don't need them, Nami-Swan! You have me!", the blond chef exclaimed happily. He loved spending time alone with the orange-haired beauty.

Nami scoffed for what felt like the millionth time that day and chose not to open that can of worms. The two continued down the hallway, lightly conversing, until they came to a split in the tunnel and slowed to a halt.

The orange-haired girl glanced between the two hallways. Things were getting weirder. Why have a split in a secret entrance?

"Which way, Nami?", Sanji asked. His feet carried him toward the right tunnel, looking down it in curiosity. His line of thought was the exact same as his companions.

Nami walked over to the left hallway and examined it, indecisiveness obviously on her face. Carina had never said anything about this. And with that being said, picking the wrong path could be dangerous. She turned back to the blond-haired chef across the room and went to address her concerns but never got the chance.

The hallway Nami and Sanji had come from was suddenly closed off before either of the teens could react, an alarm sounding in the air. Both of their eyes widened in panic as they wildly looked around the space, searching for the source of the sound. Two pairs of eyes, one brown and the other grey-blue, looked up hearing a click from the ceiling above the center of the room, and both the teens paled.

"Nami!", the blond-haired chef yelled, finally moving in her direction. His feet were moving quickly, but not quickly enough.

"Steal as much treasure as you can!", the orangette yelled as Sanji made a desperate break for her, "We'll meet back up when it's all over!". Nami watched as the metal wall hidden in the ceiling began to drop and looked at Sanji one more time, sending him a reassuring smile.

"Nami!", Sanji desperately yelled once more. He watched hopelessly while the wall fell closer and closer to the ground, moving his feet as fast as he could. However, he could already tell he wasn't going to make it.

"I'll be fine, Sanji! I'm used to doing this kind of stuff on my ow-", the large metal wall slammed into the ground with a loud thud, interrupting the girl and forcefully separating the two.

The blond chef slid to a halt just as he reached the barrier, growling. "Nami!", he yelled through the metal divider. He waited for a moment but received no response, kicking the wall in anger. The sound echoed into the area he now occupied alone and a scowl came across his face... His one on one time with Nami...

Sanji turned away from the metal barrier with fire in his eyes. He'd been very much enjoying spending time with his goddess and now she was over there all alone... Someone was going to pay. He turned away from the metal wall and looked down the hallway he was now forced to go down with a maniacal glint in his eye. Someone was going to pay, most likely with their life, and then he was going to steal their treasure.

He was getting his kiss if it was the last damn thing he did.


Zoro slowed his arm strokes as he came closer to his destination, his eyes searching for a wrecked ship. He'd swum pretty quickly, so chances were it wouldn't have sunk all the way yet. His earlier theory was becoming more likely by the second. The swordsman looked up and his eyes were met with the tall peak of the mountain. Yep. He was in the right spot. Well... At least he thought he was. He continued swimming forward and carefully searched for what he was looking for along the face of the cliff now that he knew the ship hadn't crashed. Eventually, after swimming a little further, he saw it. An opening in the rock. He gazed up at the peak again.

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